
Kyrgyzstan launches process of national planning for adaptation to climate change

The Inception Workshop processing (Photo: UNDP)
The Inception Workshop processing (Photo: UNDP)

By Nurzhan Kasmalieva 

BISHKEK: The Ministry of Natural Resources, Environment and Technical Control of the Kyrgyz Republic, together with UNDP in the Kyrgyz Republic, launched the process of national climate change adaptation planning at a round table in Bishkek.

Climate warming will contribute to the increase of such adverse effects as reduced water resources and drought, natural disasters, and destruction of infrastructure. Early action is needed to mitigate the potential damage from the negative effects of climate change, and the National Adaptation Plan will help develop a comprehensive statesmanship and adaptation measures, as well as attract the necessary funding.

For Kyrgyzstan it is expected that climate will change at a faster rate than the average on the planet, which imposes significant risks of increasing negative consequences. From 2011 to 2016, direct material damage from emergency situations amounted to about USD 69 million. Preliminary calculations show that under the most unfavorable scenarios of climate change, the annual economic damage to the country by 2100 may amount to about USD 760 thousand, according to calculations of experts.

The Inception Workshop processing (Photo: UNDP)
Participants at the Inception Workshop (Photo: UNDP)

Deputy Minister of Natural Resources, Ecology and Technical Control of Kyrgyzstan Kanatbek Sadykov said that today the implementation of the NAP project in Kyrgyzstan is being launched. “We are confident that the efforts and contributions of international organizations and donors in promoting innovative actions related to climate and investment, environment and food security, together with an overall national adaptation strategy, will allow Kyrgyzstan to become a country with low emissions and more resilient to climate change,” he said.

To support the Kyrgyz Government in creating a comprehensive state approach to climate change adaptation, the project “Advancing development of a National Adaptation Plan (NAP) process for medium and long-term adaptation planning and implementation in the Kyrgyz Republic” was launched. The project is implemented by UNDP with the support of the Green Climate Fund. It aims to address current gaps in the public policy development process, including a lack of scientific data and knowledge about climate change projections, its social, environmental, and economic impacts, as well as insufficient involvement of civil society and the private sector in decision-making processes.

The launch of this project is one of the key actions of Kyrgyzstan to meet its climate commitments and is consistent with the goals of the Paris Agreement under the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change. The NAP process must be based on the broad participation of all stakeholders, since adaptation to climate change depends not only on the government, but also on the active and meaningful engagement of the private sector, civil society, academia, and regional and international organizations that participated at today’s Inception Workshop. Only concerted efforts can lead to a more sustainable country.

The Inception Workshop processing (Photo: UNDP)
From the Inception Workshop (Photo: UNDP)

During the workshop, Erkinbek Kasybekov, Assistant UNDP Resident Representative in Kyrgyzstan noted that with the ratification of the Paris Agreement in 2019, the Kyrgyz Republic joined 184 countries that have committed to enhance adaptive capacity, strengthen resilience and reduce vulnerability to climate change to protect people, livelihoods and ecosystems.

“Even though adaptation is a global challenge, developing countries have the most urgent and immediate needs as they are particularly vulnerable to the adverse effects of climate change. The faster the climate changes, and the longer adaptation efforts are put off, the more difficult and expensive it could be to manage social, economic, and environmental risks associated with climate change impacts,” he said.

The project will develop a national adaptation plan, as well as adaptation plans for the three southern provinces and the following four priority sectors: emergency situations, health, biodiversity conservation, and agriculture and irrigation. These plans will form the basis for the development of 12 pilot projects to attract funding to strengthen the country’s adaptive capacity.

Adapting to the adverse effects of climate change is a priority for Kyrgyzstan. Over the past decade, the Kyrgyz government has taken a number of concrete steps to ensure that the development path is climate resilient and inclusive of the most vulnerable women and men.

Climate change can negatively affect the country’s efforts to improve living standards, in this regard, the development and implementation of national climate policy, especially on adaptation to climate change, becomes an urgent need.

Early actions within the framework of adaptation to climate change will bring significant economic benefits to Kyrgyzstan and minimize threats to ecosystems, human life and health, economic development and infrastructure facilities.

Nurzhan Kasmalieva

Chief of International Affairs Department, Kabar News Agency, Kyrgyzstan

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