AJA to host Dr. Jeong-Chan Ra, Korea’s most prominent stem cell researcher

SEOUL: Dr. Jeong-Chan Ra, CEO of Naturecell and Korea’s most prominent Stem Cell researcher, will be hosted by Asia Journalists Association (AJA) for a live video presentation and interview on October 17, AJA Founder and first president Sang-ki Lee has announced.
For the past 20 years, Dr. Ra has shown great progress in the treatment development for dementia and arthritis by stem cells.
AJA members will have a rare opportunity to interact with the famous researcher, also known as a champion of social causes consistent with the values of human life, amid reports that he has recently started researching for a COVID-19 treatment.

His book “The Grace of Stem Cells” has achieved worldwide fame and has been in many languages, including English, Russian, Chinese, Japanese, and Arabic.
Sang-ki Lee said that Dr. Ra would give a speech then engage with the journalists in a live Question and Answer session.
Amid the COVID-19 pandemic, AJA has leveraged communication technology to hold regular meetings that have brought together members based mainly in South Korea, Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia, Vietnam, Cambodia, the Philippines, Pakistan, India, Kyrgyzstan, Iran, the United Arab Emirates, Bahrain, Yemen, Lebanon, Egypt, Germany and France.