Mongolian mother gives birth to twins on repatriation plane

ULAANBAATAR: A plane repatriating Mongolian nationals arrived home with two extra passengers upon landing after a 42-year-old woman gave birth on board to twin girls.
The chartered plane from the Turkish city of Istanbul to the Mongolian capital Ulaanbaatar was repatriating 261 Mongolians and landed at Buyant Ukhaa International Airport on Friday at 1 a.m., local news agency Montsame reported.
The mother was among nine pregnant women flown home alongside 61 people with medical conditions, 22 elderly people, 51 parents and their little ones, nine people with disabilities and 109 people with financial and accommodation issues, the news agency added.
Under the local coronavirus rules, the passengers will spend 21 days in quarantine.
Mongolia, a country of 3,170,000 people, has registered 227 cases, 197 recoveries and zero death.