The Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action. What is next?

By Pooneh Nedai
Publisher, Shokran & Amrood
Tehran: US president Donald Trump exited Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action last year.
Iran, England, Germany, China and Russia objected this one-sided action mostly in their statements and gradually broke the commitment of Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action.
Russia and China apparently stood beside Iran but practically were on the side of Europe specially in important oil sanction against Iran.
As a consequence of this action, months ago, Iran gradually reduced its commitment to atomic activity in the first phase.
After 60 days during which no side of the contract went back to their commitment, Iran moved forward to the second phase; reducing the limit of uranium enrichment.
And after the next 60 days, President Hassan Rouhani announced that Iran would go far to all limits of developing knowledge of atomic.
Rouhani gave 60 days to three European countries – France, England and Germany- to act their commitment. In this case, Iran will come back the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action.
Foreign Minister Jawad Zarif ironically said in a speech to the European countries that “your commitment is not dependent on the US or to its permission.”