
Homeopathy and water memory


The story of water memory begins from homeopathy. Homeopathy views diseases symptoms originated from the human body’s natural healing process. Homeopathy uses toxic substance to enhance the ability of natural healing. It is thus very natural that homeopathy tried dilution method to reduce harmful effect of toxin. Homeopathic dilution is carried out with physical stimulation (vigorously shaken by 10 hard strokes at each dilution termed as succussion in homeopathy). What homeopathy found is that even though the poisonous substance gets diluted to the point where the molecules no longer exist, its effect still remained, which should mean ‘water memory’.

Even though it has been used successfully clinically for over 200 years, homeopathy has been ignored by the orthodox medical circles until now because current science could not explain how a substance’s effect could be shown without actual substance. However, there have been almost three hundred verification experiments done on homeopathic effects in the past decade. Furthermore, about 80% of those showed that homeopathy have different effects from the placebo effect.

If homeopathy is an effective therapy, it implies that water could store the information of toxins to boost natural healing power. If water could store the information of material, then this capacity does not need to be confined to homeopathy which uses mostly toxin.


By Won H. Kim


The AsiaN Editor

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