Tag: lgbt
U.S. Embassy in Seoul removes rainbow flag amid speculation of Washington’s disapproval
A rainbow flag symbolizing sexual minorities has been taken down from the U.S. Embassy building in Seoul amid a news report that the State Department has adopted a new policy […]
Gay rights and global culture
Is there really such a thing as a global culture? Consider gay rights. Last Thursday the Indian Supreme Court decriminalized homosexuality. Last April a court in Trinidad and Tobago found […]
LGBTQ+ Identities
Inside a building in Mangwon, Seoul, I met with Kang Myeong-jin, Chief Organizer of the Seoul Queer Culture Festival. He explained to me details about the event and the current […]
People, stories, orientations
In the conservative city of Daegu, South Korea, lives Matthew, an American man who works there. He shared his stories and life experiences as a foreign LGBT person based in […]
Istanbul Governor bans LGBTQ pride parade
The Governor of Istanbul has banned the holding of an LGBTQ pride parade in the city for the fourth consecutive year, Efe Songün wrote for The Daily Beast. “This year’s ban was expected […]
Spectrosynthesis, the first LGBTQ exhibition in an art museum in Asia
2015 was a significant year in the world LGBT movement with a boldening of the “7-colored rainbow”. But that rainbow did not quite reach the Asian continent. Much of Asia […]
An Overview of LGBT Rights in Asia: Focus on Taiwan
2015 was a significant year in the world LGBT movement with a boldening of the “7-colored rainbow”. But that rainbow did not quite reach the Asian continent. Much of Asia […]