Author: Pooneh Nedai
Poem of Harat
By Pooneh Nedai Editor in chief of Shokaran magazine, Publisher of Amrood Tehran Who am I? A girl with shaved head? A woman with dark Burqa? A mother with shaking hand? […]
Where is the border of light and shadow?
By Pooneh Nedai Where is the border of light and shadow? The borders always move within… I remember some far branch in the sky, Trying to reach light, but shadow […]
Importance of peace in Korea and everywhere else – A presentation
Pooneh Nedai Editor-in-chief of Shokaran magazine TEHRAN: Peace, or the lack of it, has a significant importance in my life and the situation in my country Iran, which has enabled […]
Overview of an online forum
By Pooneh Nedai Editor in Chief of Shokaran Magazine TEHRAN: We had a fruitful Zoom gathering in World Journalist Forum established in Seoul by the Journalists Association of Korea (JAK). […]
Nature Commands
By: Pooneh Nedai Editor in chief of Shokaran – IRAN TEHRAN: I wished I could go thoughtlessly to a cafe like those days before these days and I could […]
Policy makers and Nature
By: Pooneh Nedai Editor in chief Shokaran magazine/IRAN Tehran: I am thinking why new virus and disease affect human life these days. We have faced increasing fear of Corona virus […]
Seeking a valuable mind in Parasite
By Pooneh Nedai Editor-in-chief of Shokaran Magazine – Iran Tehran: I watched Parasite film right at the time of thinking why I am so hopeless about people around me. I […]
The Soul of Quince
By: Pooneh Nedai Editor in chief of Shokaran magazine- Iran What is the fate of quince tree From earth’s core to heaven? From bits of this land to world’s […]
We expel them by force! A journey inside South Korea’s only private prison
By Pooneh Nedai Editor in chief of Shokaran magazine- Iran Seoul: Do you prefer to live in a prison with lots of facilities or live freely in a poor cage? […]
The memory of Chuseok
By Pooneh Nedai Editor in chief of Shokaran magazine and publisher of Amrood Tehran: Chuseok is a great holiday for Korean people. It is the time for thanksgiving, respecting ancestors […]