Author: Meidyana Rayana
Ban Ki-moon emphasizes need to empower women
Ban Ki Moon, UN Secretary General, delivered a speech at the World Congress of Global Partnership in Duksung University, Korea, on Monday (Aug 13) On his four days visit to […]
[Indonesian food] A variety of summer desserts served in Indonesia
Indonesia, the biggest maritime country in the world, has beautiful beaches throughout its islands. Local and foreign tourists like to spend time in its beaches, doing various beach activities such […]
“Because I am A Girl” fashion show
Around thirty young passionate and educated girls were campaigning for girl’s rights for gender equality, Wednesday evening (Aug. 8). Working with Plan International, a South Korean local NGO called The Change, […]
Experiencing Ramadan as a Non-Muslim
Interested to experience the Ramadan month that Muslim celebrates this month, I then decided to take my own little adventure. Although I was born and grew up in Indonesia, world’s […]
[Indonesia Report] Jakarta, world’s most active twitter city
Jakarta, Indonesian capital city, is home for the most active “tweeps” and “twitterian” in the world. Semiocast, a French based social media monitor company published a survey on July 30, […]
Han Bi-ya: “I enjoy my work as a relief worker”
Han Bi-ya, a Korean, is better known as a travel books writer and relief worker. She first inspired young people of the world through her books titled “Daughter of The Wind, Three and A Half Times […]
[Indonesia Report] Indonesians condemn violence in Rakhine
Rohingya – Rakhine conflict in Myanmar has been going on for the past two months. According to Amnesty International, Myanmar’s National Human Rights Commission on July 11 reported at least […]
[Indonesia Report] Taraweeh: A Special Prayer in Ramadan Month
Ramadan month has started for Muslims. It is tradition to fast for the whole month from sun rise to sunset. Fasting is not only to bare the thirst and hunger […]
[Indonesia Report] Flood at Padang leaves hundreds of evacuees
Padang, the capital of Indonesian’s West Sumatra Province hit by flash flood Tuesday (July24) evening, left hundreds of people evacuated from their homes. Casualties are not yet being confirmed. Previously, Indonesian local […]
[Indonesia Report] Freeport Indonesia, world’s largest mine operator, agrees to divest
Freeport Indonesia, operator of Grasberg mine in Papua, that contains the world’s largest recoverable copper reserve and the largest gold reserve, agrees to divest its stake via an Initial Public […]