
Impact of Media and Terrorism in Public Life

The importance of information for subjects of policy in the political system means that information is not neutral but a weapon of fighting. Elites use it to protect their authority. The fact that information has been concentrated only in the hands of authority and their relatives, restrains political participation as well. Those controlling the information are able to greatly influence the collective consciousness.

Operation of free and independent mass media in Democratic society enables the people to express their thoughts and opinions, to receive alternative and free information on the realities of the authority, and to properly evaluate the activities of the party in power. Legitimacy of authority, its selection by means of free and just elections, and supremacy of law and availability of liberal environment are required for independent press.

To separate terrorism into two periods, we can consider the period before September 11, 2001, and the time thereafter. Terrorism is unchanged essentially, but its political character, as such political objectives endanger the national security of countries; their independence, territorial integrity, constitutional structure, public-political stability and state authority.

Especially through the wide  use of mass media,  terrorist groups directly attempt to succeed in their aims to threaten countries and their societies, informing them of their successful plans f and those yet to be fulfilled.  Terror is a universal danger; several world countries and their political representatives of authority deploy terror tactics to help realize their various political intents.

Media exceedingly assists them in this field. They try to conceal their true intentions under the impression of fighting terror by politically manipulating the mass media. This means that the media plays the role of a great weapon for either terrorists or those fighting terror. The pretext of aiming the pursued policy at terror and fighting terror is brought into the foreground by using mass media either to come to power or realize strategic plans.

Citizens inappropriately informed of political processes, and misinformed of policy and the activity of authority, unreasonably participate in  political processes, including the establishing and controlling of the state. Mass media has impact in the field of informing, socializing and enlightening of  society, as well as proper evaluation of the events, integration and mobilization.

Existence of double relation to international principles of law has prevented the proper evaluation of terrorist acts having occurred in small states in recent years. .  Until the terrorist acts occurred in New York in 2001, world states had not considered terror important in their policies. The fact that such incidents are great dangers for mankind, human rights and to the freedom of thousands of innocent civilians had not been highlighted properly by mass media. Such occurrences had not been that important for common in developed countries and has consequently led to the misestimation by the world community of terrorist acts occurring in these parts of the world.

However repeated documentation of the New-York incident directly on TV, showed  the great danger of modern terrorism , and proved that not only weak, undeveloped countries, but also super countries of the world with  perfect security levels, such as the USA, are not ensured against such acts.  Fighting the terror challenging  society has already turned out to be a basic problem and has established a new period in international policy. Today combating terror for the security of our citizens is crucial in both internal and external policy.

In this period of globalization, countries have implemented large economic, ecological, health and cultural programs aimed at saving mankind from its existing problems On the other hand several countries and religious organizations provide direct assistance to terror. From the viewpoint of finance , this means the establishment of terrorist groups, their operation, and their intentional direction against various states and political authority of states. For example, lots of civil, innocent inhabitants in Azerbaijan, a country exposed to terror, were victims of terror.

To combat international terrorism,   the double relation to international law must be removed. This will provide a global power  against the countries supporting terror, preventing terror from being used as a means and ceasing the financial resources of terrorists. Furthermore this will spread propaganda against terrorism,  prevent terrorist groups from media use and prevent the facts of terror acts from being repeatedly highlighted on TV so as to reduce tension amongst the population regarding these incidents.

Taken measures, organized conferences,  books, pursued state policies, and joint efforts show what a source of danger terror is and prove that it is necessary to fight it on every occasion. Relations between world authorities against terror and the unity on principle of international law can be yield  results in a short period of time in the combating terror. Everyone should work hard, and fight terrorism in order to protect  humankind and to deliver to the future generations in proper order what we have been entrusted.

Ramid Huseynov

Azerbaijan, Journalist


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