Uzbekistan and Azerbaijan top leaders among world’s tea lovers

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teaEuromonitor International released a research about tea and coffee consumption in the world. According to data, the absolute majority of Uzbekistan and Azerbaijan prefer to drink tea.

Uzbekistan became the leader among tea lover countries as statistics ranked 99.6% of the country’s joint drink (tea and coffee) consumption. Azerbaijan has 99.1% in the same list.

The leader countries of tea lovers are Uzbekistan (99.6%), Kenya (99.2%), Azerbaijan (99.1% ),Pakistan (99%), China (98.9%) and Egypt (98.5%).

Coffee drinking leaders are the residents of the Dominican Republic (99%), Brazil and Ecuador (97.4%), Greece (96.8%) and Denmark (92.2%).

Euromonitor International announces for Uzbekistan, “In Uzbekistani households, it is customary to welcome guests with a cup of tea, whether they be friends and family or strangers. Tea will remain the country’s most popular non-alcoholic beverage for home consumption during breakfast, lunch and dinner.”

For Azerbaijan, “Tea recorded a retail volume sales increase of 8% in 2015. Despite the fact that the category is relatively saturated, Azerbaijani consumers are heavy tea drinkers, which allows the category to post continual growth… Over the forecast period, Azerbaijanis will continue to have a strong preference for tea.”

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