Seoul and Washington release joint statement on North Korea

In a joint news conference in Washington on the 16th of October, Korean president Park Geun Hye and US president Barack Obama discussed North Korea’s nuclear problem. In the summit talk they both promised that they would deal with the North Korean problem as fast as possible.
In the joint news release issued after the summit, it says “If North Korea uses any ballistic or nuclear missiles, it will be faced with grave consequences.”
It was noted that this is the first time for Both the US and South Korea to issue a joint statement concerning North Korea. It shows that both countries see the North Korea issue as a top priority.
The two presidents pledged to work alongside the international community to ensure the effectiveness and transparency of UN’s security council decisions, including sanctions on North Korea.
In the news conference, both Seoul and Washington said that they’ll reinforce their relations with China and other parties for nuclear disarmament talks.
Both Park and Obama insured a brighter future for North Korea if they truly give up their ballistic and nuclear programs.