A chance for Indian-Egyptian cooperation

Economic, West Asia


Egyptian president Abdel-Fatah Al-Sisi expressed how Egypt looks forward to nourish their relationship with India, complementing India’s steps in establishing themselves as a country progressive on both economic and political levels.

This comes after the meeting Al-sisi had with Mokhtar Abbas Naqvi, India’s minister of parliamentary and minority’s affairs and the special envoy of India’s prime minister.

Ambassador Alaa Youssef, the official presidency spokesman, declared that the Indian envoy invited the president to attend the third forum of the African-Indian summit, he also expressed his fondness of Egypt’s remarkable progress whether on political level or considering the big economical advancements they’re making, and how Egypt is considered the link between Africa and Asia.

According to “Al-Ahram”, Egypt’s national newspaper, the president hinted possible upcoming collaborations between Egypt and India in Africa, enabling India to make use of Egypt’s remarkable position for it to its starting point for more collaborative projects between the two countries, especially with India’s advancement in technology which is really needed in African countries.

Considering fighting terrorism, Al-sisi proclaimed his intention of making use of India’s experience, which the Indian envoy approved of, stating that his country suffered from terrorism, and that India condemns all terrorism attacks that happened in Egypt.

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