Kuwait celebrates 51st National Day

All, News, Society

Kuwait Embassy(Ambassador H.E. Muteb Al-Mutoteh) here held a banquet to celebrate the 51st National Day and the 21st Anniversary of Liberation from Iraqi invasion at Hotel Shilla in downtown Seoul Monday (Feb. 27).

This year marks the 51st anniversary of independence from U.K. in 1961 and 21st year of liberation from Iraqi military occupation of  its territory in 1991.

Ambassadors from 21 diffrent contries took part the event. They are from Algeria, Argentina, Azerbaijan, Bangladesh, Belgium, Belarus, Brunei, Costa Rica, Dominican Republic, Egypt, El Salvador, Guatemala, the Vatican, Honduras, Iran, Iraq, Jordan, Malaysia, Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, Uzbekistan. In addition to them, some 300 people and Kuwaiti World Cup soccer team members were also present. South Korea and Kuwait established diplomatic relations in 1979 and during the Gulf War in 1990 Korea dispatched military troops including medics with economic support.

Kuwaiti soccer team’s celebration song on the banquet

Choi Sun-hwa sun@theasian.asia

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