South Koreans elect first female President

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South Korean First Female President, Park Geun-Hye (Photo:

South Koreans have elected their first Female President Park Geun-hye who ran for the presidency from the ruling Saenuri Party.

Park won approximately 52% of the votes and ended the race by edging her main opponent from the main opposition Democratic United Party Moon Jae-In.

Korean media shot Park’s supporters waiting for her arrival with much enthusiasm.

On the night of December 19th after the election closed, some local media reported on the counting result and they showed thousands of people standing in the cold winter outside Park’s residence in Samsung-dong in Seoul, lining along the street to see a glance of Park, considered  certain to win the election at that time.

After the counting over and Park was announced victor, she then left her house to Saenuri Party’s headquarter in Yeouido.

Park will serve for 5 years presidential term, as South Korea’s constitution allows one five-year term of presidential.

She will replace her colleague from the same Party, President Lee Myung Bak on February 15, 2013.

Early this month, professors from United States, China and Japan gathered on a forum, discussing the South Korean election. U.S. scholars believe that Park’s policy will lead Korea to a closer tie with its biggest ally, the United States.

Chinese Professors expected that under new administration, South Korea and China’s relations would be improved.

After North Korean’s rocket launch in Dec 12 this year, consideration on South Korea’s security and policy towards North Korea becomes a little bit trickier for South Korea in order to keep peace in Korean Peninsula.

Jin Qiangyi, professor from Yanbian University, China, said that Park’s policy would be to engage North Korea, contrary to President Lee’s current approach.

Bruce Klinger, Senior Research Fellows at The Heritage Foundation of the U.S., said that Park’s policy towards North Korea is expected to be a little different from Lee’s.

As Lee, Park would offer economic and humanitarian benefits to North Korea on condition that Pyongyang would abide by international demands for denuclearization.

Meidyana Rayana Intern Reporter

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