‘Dokdo School’ to be launched in March

All, Asia, East Asia, News, Society

The Independence Hall of Korea said Wednesday it will begin an educational program called “Dokdo School” next year after Korea’s easternmost islets that are the subject of a territorial dispute with Japan.

The memorial center, located in Cheonan, South Chungcheong Province, said the program will be launched on March 1, a national holiday to commemorate Korean resistance to Japanese colonial rule in 1919.

“The purpose of the school is to raise awareness of the sovereignty dispute between the two countries over Dokdo, and to educate people as to why the rocky islets belong to Korea,” said Kim Nung-jin, the president of the Independence Hall.

Kim named professor Seo Kyoung-duk of Sungshin Women’s University as the head of the program Sunday for his efforts in the international community to publice Korea’s territorial rights over the East Sea islets.

It will first target local elementary students in 2013, and will include older age groups as well as foreigners in the following years, according to a public relations official.

Next year will see a total of 35 sessions on learning territorial and historic facts about the islets as well as field trips to the disputed site.

The school plans to invite middle and high school students in 2014 as well as their parents. It is considering taking foreigners on trips to Dokdo and also Ulleung Island located 87 kilometers west of the disputed islets

“We have tended to react emotionally with anger whenever conservative Japanese politicians claim sovereignty over Dokdo,” Seo said. “It’s important that we fully understand the historical background of the islets and logically explain that their argument is wrong, and I believe the school will serve such a purpose faithfully.”

The memorial center said the program will continue until Japan stops making “false” claims.

The dispute between the two countries over the islets has intensified since President Lee Myung-bak visited them on Aug. 10 to reaffirm the country’s sovereign rights and to repudiate Japan’s repeated claims over them. <The Korea Times/Yi Whan-woo>

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