AJA calls for safety of journalists caught in crossfire

AJA Statement


SEOUL: Asia Journalists Association (AJA) is deeply concerned about the severe toll on journalists and their deplorable status in the intensifying armed action between Hamas and Israel.

The Committee to Protect Journalists reported that As of October 18, at least 17 journalists were among the fatalities on both sides since the war began on October 7.

AJA calls on all competent authorities, national and UN-affiliate, to do everything possible to ensure the respect of international humanitarian law, to protect the safety of all civilians and to enable all local and foreign journalists in the region to carry out their mission and produce and disseminate news in complete safety.

AJA hopes that in the current atmosphere of violence, information will not be a casualty and that it remains the backbone of genuine journalism ethics and values amid the tsunami of misinformation, disinformation, mal-information flooding the world.

AJA calls for ensuring that inaccurate and misleading reporting is not used to further partisan political objectives and deepen confusion.