Celebration Of Fifth Republic Day In Nepal

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Nepalese women in their traditional dresses perform a dance during a function to observe Nepal Fifth Republic Day, in Katmandu, Nepal, Monday, May 28, 2012. The fifth Republic Day was observed to commemorate the day when the first meeting of the elected Constituent Assembly (CA) declared Nepal a Republic and abolished the 240-year old monarchy.
From right to left, Nepal’s Prime Minister Baburam Bhattarai, Nepal President Ram Baran Yadhav, Nepal Vice President Parmanand Jha, and Chief Justice Khel Raj Regmi, stand during national anthem at a function to observe Nepal Fifth Republic Day, in Katmandu, Nepal, Monday, May 28, 2012.

The Fifth Republic Day was observed to commemorate the day when the first meeting of the elected Constituent Assembly (CA) declared Nepal a Republic and abolished the 240-year old monarchy, meanwhile, Bhattarai called new elections for November after the term of the Constituent Assembly expired at midnight Sunday without political leaders completing the task of writing a new constitution. <AP/Newsis>


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