Over 90% of people under 30 satisfied with their lives in Bishkek

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Bishkek: More than 90 % of people under the age of 30 are satisfied with their lives in Bishkek, the 2018 Victimization Survey of Bishkek and Pilot New Buildings of the National Statistics Committee reported.

Satisfaction with life is a measure of an individual’s perception of his or her own well-being, the data shows.

Thus, 94% of the interviewed residents of Bishkek and 97% of the interviewed residents of new buildings regardless of gender are satisfied with their lives, Kabar news agency reported.

“Respondents under the age of 30 are more satisfied with their lives (97%) than the older age group 51 to 65 (92%). Satisfaction does not depend much on the level of education – it varies significantly depending on the level of welfare, employment status and marital status,” the study said.

People with permanent employment, married and unmarried are more likely to be satisfied with their lives compared to respondents with part-time employment and divorce status.