Tag: Japan
Nostalgia and Romanticism: Populism and the Rise of Identity Politics
Politically, the world is more dangerous and unpredictable than it was just a couple of years ago. Seemingly overnight, following Britain’s unexpected vote on June 23, 2016, to withdraw from […]
President Abe and Xi pledge Japan and China will deepen cooperation
The leaders of China and Japan have pledged to speed up cooperation in the latest sign that the two Asian rivals are mending ties strained by territorial and historical disputes. […]
Taiwanese protest after Japanese man kicked comfort woman statue
Dozens of human rights activists rallied outside Japan’s de facto embassy in Taipei on Monday to call on the Japanese government to apologize after a Japanese right-winger was caught on […]
Comfort woman statue unwelcome at colleges
Local universities are unwilling to approve students’ requests to place statues of girls symbolizing Korean victims of sexual slavery on their campuses out of concerns that it may discourage their […]
Multilateral diplomacy war in the indian ocean
In January this year, Prime Minister Abe made official visits to Pakistan, Sri Lanka and Maldives with the aim of expanding its operations in the region and held key talks […]
Veneration & Attachment: Cats in Asian Culture
Cats in the Middle East The world can be divided into two main categories: people who love cats and people who hate them. To be more precise, the first group […]
[Book Review] Two Moons, Two Realities
1Q84, Haruki Murakami, Shinchosa, Japan, 2009 (book 1 & 2), 2010 (book 3) Over 900 pages in length and published in two volumes (the first containing Books 1 and 2, […]
The Asian Century – Key Issues
Towards the end of October, the rumblings of Asia were resounding worldwide. The new AJA motto, “New Asia, New Dynamics” is more than proving to be relevant. Xi Jinping’s […]
Within a span of less than hundred years, geo-politics is proving that alignments result from need and circumstance. The recent visit of Shinzo Abe, Prime Minister of Japan, to […]
Major Sightseeing Places of Tokyo
Tokyo is an important capital of Asia with its traditional and modern faces. There are a lot of places to visit in a short time visit of tourists. If we […]