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New Year Messages of The AsiaN Authors

ashraf-daliAshraf Abul-Yazid Dali – Egypt

Egypt is going through a transforming era, where everything is not stable; prices, social life and infrastructure. These are the aftermath five years after 25 January revolution 2011, which included a year of suffering when Muslim Brotherhood ruled the country, sending it backwards, raising the separating elements between many social  and religious slices of the nation.

It is certain that my basic wish for my country is regaining its place, as it used to be, a bridge between the three continents of the old world, an iconic tourism place for the lovers of history and nature, and a magnetic area for investment. I see the only solution people must seek is to work hard, and for government is fighting corruption. With honest and hard work Egypt would go for a better in the near and far future.

%eb%8b%a4%ec%9a%b4%eb%a1%9c%eb%93%9cBilal Bassal – France

How we can live all together in the same building, each one behind his window, I think I’m going to make a global wish for the world.

All what I wish for 2017 is the PEACE, really we need it. We need to live all together, like we are in a building, where each one of us has his place. Behind the door, he is free to do whatever he want in his private space, in his private life. BUT outside, he should love other, from his first neighbour to the last one, to receive the same feeling. Can you imagine this building ?

Best wishes for 2017

authorNasir Aijaz – Pakistan

I wish universal peace, progress and prosperity

For a person like me, living in a country like Pakistan, facing poverty, illiteracy, natural as well as man-made calamities since its inception besides one and half a decade long wave of terrorism, the expectation and wish for the new year of 2017 is very simple and short – peace, peace and peace; and also the economic stability, development, progress and prosperity for the motherland.

I also wish a universal peace, brotherhood, progress and prosperity, as our Sufi (Mystic) Saint Poet Shah Abdul Latif Bhittai had prayed for universal peace and prosperity three hundred years back. In one of his verses he depicts the dire need of peace in these words:

I am hungry in the world, I want bread

Not bombs – I am naked, I am ill, I am oppressed

Don’t you see it all?

(English translation from Sindhi language)

authorNorila Mohd. Daud, Senior Vice-President AJA

I wish all Malaysians are able to continue living happily in the most peaceful and harmonious environment since its independence in 1957 regardless of ethnic group, culture and religious background.

Despite the cost of living is on the rise, the Malaysians are able to overcome all odds to make ends meet. I hope it could also sustain its political stability and economic progress, hence moving forward to achieve its aspiration to become a developed nation by 2020.

authorAkmaral Sabatar – MagazineN Author, Kyrgyzstan

Kyrgyzstan is a very small but proud country! We call ourselves such. In the New Year, we are waiting for a lot of good developments. Recently, more specifically we held elections for local councils and a referendum. The referendum was on the constitutional change.  Almost 80 percent of voters supported the mutations both in the constitution. This is to say it is that our people are waiting for something new in the New Year.

Our country is, almost a year, living in the Eurasian Economic Community. There are of course difficulties in export, but in spite of this we are waiting for new economic breakthroughs. Yet we love tourists, guests, and foreign friends. We are always glad to see them.

14141808_608954009286247_8829513149334178307_nVefa Ferec – Azerbaijan

My biggest expectation is a solution for Nagorno-Karabakh problem in 2017. I have same wishes of the people who lost their territories, houses and everything. I hope the world will be more peaceful and people live in prosperity. The states should break the follow a way of war because there are too much looser people than winners.

aftab_kaziAftab Kazi – Pakistan

I’m passing the light of peace, love and prosperity to you for 2017. Its pretty cool don’t kill it pass it on.

The AsiaN Editor


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