by Selim Han Yeniacun – Hebrew University of Jerusalem.
The bumpy relations of two democratic states have always caused confusion on minds, especially by Western societies since the proclamation of independence of Israel that read by David Ben Gurion to recent conflagration spreading whole northern regions of Israel, Turkey was the first Muslim country, which recognized the state of Israel. Two countries, also, have special ties both are economic and social attractions. Turks are a quite familiar with the Jewish identity and they have had a respectful perspective to them since they were driven from Spain.
On the other hand, Muslim majority about 99 percent dominates Turkey’s population. When we think about the harsh situation of Palestinians, we can obviously see the critical role of Turkey over the Palestine as an unofficial guarantor county. Tensions between Turkey and Israel mainly appear from that advocatory. However, it does not mean religious cleavages cause whole problematic issues between two countries. While two states ruled by leftist politicians, the debates were about definitely same. And I strongly think that two states have worst relations ever from the second half of 60’s until the 80’s, not 2010’s. Furthermore, Istanbul-Tel Aviv flights were still crowded and almost operated 8-9 times a day.
I will touch the recent developments, which are rapid and still doubtful between two countries. On the 26th of July 2016 officials of two states met in Rome and decided reconciliation of the relations between two countries. This re-building ties process based on 8 different topics.
High-level diplomatic representation: After the Mavi Marmara fleet crises, two countries called back their ambassadors and relationship has continued at second secretary level of both embassies. Two states agreed on no action against their self-interests at the supra-national platforms such as NATO and UN.
Regulations about the humanitarian aid: Whole relief actions and aid convoys sending by Turkey will pass firstly from Ashdod harbor for reaching the Gaza. Turkey, also, got permission erecting the new hospital, energy plant central in Gaza city and advanced industrial zone to Jenin.
Mediation intention: There is no decided mediation role for Turkey between Israel and Gaza authority but Turkish authorities and President Erdogan’s last interview with Israeli anchor-women Ilana Dayan showed us there is obvious willingness to being a mediator party among Israel, West Bank, and Gaza Strip about both peace talks and giving back of dead and captured IDF soldiers’ issues.
So-called compensation: Due to international law, the speech of president, prime minister and minister of foreign affairs has an obligatory power among the nation’s responsibilities. So, first demand of Turkey “apologize” was realized by the telephone call of Benyamin Netanyahu at 2013. With this reconciliation process, Israel also accepted the donation (or paying the compensation) 21 million dollars to Turkish Humanitarian Relief Fund on behalf of the military actions, which concluded tragically 9 civilian deaths, on the open sea.
Legal case: Turkey will pull back whole charges against IDF officers in the whole local courts of Turkey.
HAMAS and Israel against movement in Turkey: Israel did not want to shut down HAMAS office in Istanbul but some high degree HAMAS leaders’ entrance to Turkey will be banned.
Military and intelligence cooperation: Two countries have huge cooperation in the field of military defense systems and military training by two parties. Moreover, intelligence sharing re-start again will enhance it.
Energy deal: Two states decided for LNG trade that comes from new offshore gas reserves of Israel to Turkey and Turkey will have a crucial role for energy transportation to Europe. Maybe this is the most important subject last but not least topic. Energy sustainability and permanent gas lines will play the huge role for the easily breakable relations. By the way, energy politics of Israel helps them to establish new relations with some Arab countries, also.
Last summer passed with many disasters in the Middle East. Russian domination, unstable position of Arab countries in the conflict zones like as Yemen, Syria, and Iraq, ineffective and unbalanced regional policies of United States have caused much more anarchy among the Middle Eastern policy makers. That’s why two democratic and also eastern identity holder states strongly needed the cooperation for getting stable on the shrinking international platform.
We cannot say that position of two states is standing in the spring garden. However, we have to understand that two states have a problematic neighborhood in the Middle East which some common enemies still ruling their territories such as Syrian government and DEAS. Turkey does not want to be dependent on just Russian gas reserve and Israel wants to export their huge offshore treasure to Europe. By the way, Palestinians have experienced a huge amount of suffering in Gaza Strip. Lack of water, lack of electricity, lack of accommodation and so fort are can be solved by the good relations between Turkey an Israel. Turkey has some significant institutes, which are responsible for philanthropic, cultural, educational, constructional activities, all over the Israel and Palestine. Turkish Crescent, AFAD, Anatolian Press Agency, TRT Press Agency, TIKA, Yunus Emre Cultural institute. These institutions will have a gap for helping the Palestinians according to good relations.
Eitan Na’eh and Kemal Oktem are the new envoys who are designated recently by the two countries. Reconciliation period is being run from June, but a little bit slowly. A couple of times, the appointment of the ambassadors delayed both internal and external factors. The period was criticized by the media and public in both states. Turkey’s concern about Israel’s pray calling restrictions for Muslims and mosques played a huge role of public opinion. On the other hand, two brand new event demonstrated us this reconciliation will be long-winded.

Firstly, President Erdogan’s special interview broadcasted on Israel’s popular TV channel, Channel 2. It was clearly milestone because he gave a speech for Israeli TV after 13 years. Frankly, he talked like a person who doesn’t count his chickens before they hatch. He spoke individually but it symbolizes the official sense: “For my opinion, HAMAS is not a terrorist organization.” (Please do not forget the basic custom of international law about the words of presidents, prime ministers and ministers of foreign affairs, which I mentioned above). Even though the whole characteristic of his speech, it was very important to show first steps.
Secondly, flames could not stop for four days in 220 different places at Northern and Central Israel. 80.000 peoples had to leave their abandoned homes, villages and places. This natural disaster spread from urban areas of Haifa to Jerusalem’s outskirts. Turkey, also, sent their firefighter planes to help Israel. Israel Ministry of Foreign Affairs announced countries where Turkey includes in, as “true friend”.
In conclusion, reconciliation process started rapidly and no one could not estimate such a sudden decision. However, it has gone slow because of public opinions. Then we saw the demure steps of two sides. Today our point is slightly improving but it will be on a solid ground. If time won’t cause a new conflict in the Palestinian territories up to completing southern gas corridor, two states will have more strong relations.