
Park Jong-chul “Scent of Jasmine 25 Years ago”

On 14 January 1987, a 22-year-old young man who was taken to the Namyoung Police Department and interrogated died.His name was Park Jong-chul, the third year linguist of Seoul National University.

The police announced his death as natural since he suddenly died surprised by a thump.
However, with a doctor’s testimony, it was disclosed that he died of water shock suffering tortures.

Demonstrations to commemorate his death soon became a nationwide campaign for democracy.
Lee Han-yeul who joined the protest was attaked with tear gas and then died. 

Their deaths ignited the June Movement and at last, direct presidential election was announced.
AsiaN has made a video to commemorate the 25th anniversary of their deaths and the meaning of democracy. 




The AsiaN Editor


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