South East Asia

Filipinos Protest Against Mining Contract With Foreign Company

Protesters clash with private guards and police as they try to rush closer to a hotel where a forum on mining is being held Wednesday Sept. 19, 2012 in Manila, Philippines. The protesters were calling for the revocation of the recently-signed mining act which they claim to benefit only foreign mining companies, the depletion of the country’s minerals as well as the displacement of residents and indigenous peoples from mining sites.

Protesters burn effigies during a rally outside a hotel where a forum on mining is being held Wednesday Sept. 19, 2012 in Manila, Philippines. The protesters were calling for the revocation of the recently-signed mining act which they claim to benefit only foreign mining companies, the depletion of the country’s minerals as well as the displacement of residents and indigenous peoples from mining sites. (AP Photo/Bullit Marquez)

The AsiaN Editor

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