Missing teen in Malaysia: Hikers step forward to help

Nilai: The search and rescue (SAR) operation to locate teenager Nora Anne Quoirin who went missing on August 4 while vacationing with her family at a resort in Pantai, near Seremban, was assisted by a group of experienced hikers today.
Group spokesman, Kenny Chan Kai Sian, 43, said they joined the SAR efforts at 9.30am and focused their search within a one-kilometre radius of the resort.
“We were supposed to come back for a second search session this afternoon, but we have decided to rest and come back refreshed tomorrow,” he told reporters when met at the perimeters of the search site.
The group, comprising 12 hikers aged between 17 and 62, will scour the Gunung Berembun area in tomorrow’s search, he said.
Chan, who has plenty of experienced hiking up Gunung Berembun, said today’s search for the 15-year-old Franco-Irish teenager was quite challenging due to the unpredictable weather in the area the past few days.
“The trail is muddy and slippery, and this is extremely challenging for everyone involved in the search. There are 12 of us [hikers] today, we expect more to join us tomorrow,” he said.
Chan also urged hikers who can spare the time to come forward and help out in the SAR effort.
Meanwhile, the presence of newsmen who have been camping at the area throughout the SAR operation caught the attention of other volunteers, and one of them was Ampang Hospital employee, Zamila Majlis, 59, who was at the site to donate food and to provide moral support.
“I was born and raised in this village and it so happens that I am back for Aidiladha, so I was compelled to come over and see how the media have been coping. There has not been an incident of anyone going missing here for long periods like this before.
“I pray that she (Nora Anne) is found safe soon, and if there is more voluntary help needed, I am willing to come forward,” she said.
Nora Anne, who has a learning disability, arrived with her family in Malaysia on August 3 for a two-week vacation in the country and stayed at the resort before the family discovered she was missing from her room at 8 am the next day.
Meanwhile, in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia Crime Prevention Foundation (MCPF) senior vice-chairman Lee Lam Thye called on its members to help out in the SAR effort.
He said MCPF was sympathetic with the plight of the victim’s family.
“Let us all pray that Nora Anne will be found safely very soon,” he said in a statement today.