Global climate change – Opportunities and limitations-II

All, Ecology
© UNICEF/Roger LeMoyne Pollution fills the skyline of the Chinese city of Shanghai at dusk.
Pollution fills the skyline of the Chinese city of Shanghai at dusk © UNICEF/Roger LeMoyne

By Dr. Hassan Humeida
Kiel, Germany

KIEL: With extreme climatic change due to global warming and extreme average temperatures, there are shifts in the seasonal cultivation times of many products, such as rice, corn, wheat, coffee, tea and other products.

All these factors together contribute to the fact that the global food situation is changing for the worse. It means there will be more people who suffer from poverty and hunger. In summary, we can say that climate change through global warming and in the absence of the necessary measures to counteract this make the fight against poverty and hunger more difficult or even prevent it.

Many affected people, especially the productive society and breadwinners of nations such as farmers, ranchers, shepherds and fishermen will be forced to leave their work areas and living spaces and settle in suburbs and cities in order to try desperately as day laborers and with simple activities to lead a life under the most difficult conditions.

This creates huge ghettos in many regions oft he world that pose problems for other people in the society. Here, for example, the problems such as lack of water, poor hygiene, drug consumption, human trafficking and crime.

Air pollution kills about 7 million people annually. Much of that pollution, including small particulates known as PM 2.5, comes from tailpipe emissions. Photo: Angelo Doto/UNEP
Air pollution kills about 7 million people annually. Much of that pollution, including small particulates known as PM 2.5, comes from tailpipe emissions. (Photo: Angelo Doto/UNEP)

Climate change is also forcing people to flee the country, where the affected countries are losing clever and productive minds. These people, who embark on long routes of flight, will at some point, somewhere in the world be content with simple activities that can neither make them rich nor make a good contribution to global development of humanbeing.

Climate change and its consequences as big chalenge oft he future concern us all as earth inhibitants, including people in rich countries. Because if people lose their foundation for life somewhere else, they have only two options: either to die or to make the long journey to escape.

It should be noted here: in an emergency, no path is long enough on the round planet. These people from everywhere can leave their living space and take all the risks so that they do not have to die, come for as long as possible and look for something that they have lost all along, namely the “basis of life”, first of all water and food.

The global community still has time to act, politicians still have time to implement and consumers from all over the world still have time to optimize consumer behavior in order to achieve social justice and the well-being of all people on earth and to turn the clock at five to twelve.

Several points play an important role here in the options available to counter global climate change and global warming.

Using these points, solutions can be worked out that may help limit damage. To end this, it is important to: include the topic in education (kindergarten, school, university), further education and training of local workers on the topics „climate change and global warming“, use of locally adapted technologies, use of renewable forms of energy (water pumps, supply of electricity for the field, household and institutions) to reduce emissions, pumping and directing water, water treatment to make green belts, green plants and arid areas fertile.

Here as an example “Greening the desert and thus treating the problems“ and to counteract Land curse from poorer regions, and immigration to other countries and global human exploitation.
