South AsiaPolitics

Kashmir Issue: Pakistan suspends another Express Train Service with India




By Nasir Aijaz
AsiaN Correspondent

Islamabad: Pakistan has discontinued operating another train service ‘Thar Express’ to India following the suspension of ‘Samjhota Express’.

‘Samjhota’ (Reconciliation) Express used to operate between Lahore (Pakistan’s Punjab Province) and Indian Punjab’s Amritsar city while ‘Thar Express’, launched in 2006, operated once a week from Sindh province’s capital Karachi to India’s Munabao town via Khokhrapar town of Thar Desert. Thar Express train service had remained suspended for 41 years before it was revived in 2006.

Pakistan suspended Samjhota Express Train Service on Thursday.

Pakistan, earlier this week suspended cultural, trade and diplomatic relations with India over the Kashmir situation.

The Federal Cabinet in its meeting on Friday approved the National Security Council’s decision of suspending trade relations with India.

Kashmir had been the bone of contention between two countries since their independence from British colonialism in August 1947,

The two countries have fought two wars beside regular clashes at borders over the Kashmir issue during the last seven decades. Their strained relations deteriorated further when India revoked the Special Status of Indian-Administered part of Kashmir earlier this week.


The AsiaN Editor

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