Author: Meidyana Rayana
[Indonesia Report] Indonesia plastic surgeons enjoy booming business
Indonesia is hit by Korean Wave Fever. Not only female but also male’s awareness of appearances is increasing nowadays. According to one of Indonesian mass media, Berita, Dr. Enrina, […]
[Indonesia Report] Banda’s Islands offer heavenly beauty for tourists
Dolphins appeared on the side of the ship, seem like they were welcoming tourists, when the ship was approaching Banda Island, Moluccas, in Indonesia. on its article about Banda Island […]
[The AsiaN Video for Indonesian] Tragedi di Laut Barat
Halo! Saya Meidyana Rayana dari Indonesia. Berikut berita mengenai berita dari Laut Barat. Tragedi yang baru saja terjadi di Laut Barat pada Selasa, 16 Oktober, atas kematian nelayan Cina yang […]
[Korea Report] Culture shock of living in Seoul ends up making familiar to things Korean
Culture Shock and Homesick are two words that we often hear about when we talk to foreigner living in a country away from their motherland. Despite of all the excitements […]
[Indonesia Report] Living in a foreign country is exciting, adventuresome experience
Psy concert in City Hall, Seoul (October 4, 2012) (Photo: Living in a foreign country with different language and cultural background could be an exciting as well as adventuresome experience. Especially […]
[The AsiaN Video for Indonesian] Militer Korea Selatan Menyebut Pro-NK Grup “Musuh”
Halo! Saya Meidyana Rayana dari Indonesia. Berikut adalah berita dari dalam negeri Korea Selatan. Militer mulai mengklasifikasikan grup pro-Pyongyang di Korea Selatan sebagai musuh dalam panduan pendidikan bagi para tentara, […]
[The AsiaN Video for Indonesian] Siapa Yang Memipin Tiket Moon-Ahn?
Halo! Saya Meidyana Rayana dari Indonesia. Berikut adalah berita mengenai pemilihan umum presiden Korea Selatan pada Desember mendatang. Join kandidasi merupakan pilihan yang tersedia untuk mengalahkan kandidat presiden Park. Kedua […]
[Indonesia Report] Makassar breaks record in attracting most participants to “Gangnam Style” dancing
Korean Pop Singer, Psy, invades the world with his fun and humorous song, titled ‘Oppa Gangnam Style.’ The video clip broke the record of most liked clip in Youtube’s history […]
[The AsiaN Video for Indonesian] LG Kembali Bersaing
Halo! Saya Meidyana Rayana dari Indonesia. Berikut adalah berita mengenai perubahan strategi LG Group dalam bertahan menghadapi kompetisi pasar elektronik dengan Samsung dan Apple. LG Group, salah satu konglomerat Korea […]
[Korea Report] Itaewon Global Village Festival 2012 held on Oct. 12-14
Itaewon Global Village, a festival in Itaewon, Seoul, started Friday (Oct. 12) to go through Monday (Oct. 14). During the performances, outdoor booths selling various commodities and food were in operation. A […]