Author: Meidyana Rayana
National pride raised at Indonesian students conference held in Daejeon
The 6th Conference of the Indonesian Students Association in Korea: ‘Empowering National Pride with Knowledge Collaboration’ On July 7th, 2013, with the support of our partners and the enthusiasm of […]
Indonesian students vow to empower national pride with collaboration
The 6th Conference of Indonesian Students Association in Korea (CISAK) is an event where Indonesian scholars gather and exchange ideas based on their respective backgrounds and fields in the effort […]
Hundreds of research papers submitted for Indonesian Students Conference
Hundreds of research papers by Indonesian students from various countries have been registered for paper competition in the Indonesian Student Conference in Korea or CISAK 2013, which the registration ended […]
Knowledge collaboration: Indonesian students in Korea to hold conference
Indonesian Students Association in Korea (PERPIKA) this year presents Conference of Indonesian Students in Korea (Cisak) the 6th. Cisak 2013 will be held in Daejon, South Korea on July 7. […]
Paper submission for Indonesian students conference extended
Conference of Indonesia Student in Korea 2013 – Extension of Paper Submission Deadline to April 28 Around 500 Indonesian students currently studying in the country of ginseng, South Korea. Despite […]
Indonesian students asked to join a conference slated for July in Daejon, South Korea
Are you an Indonesian? We are calling for Indonesian Students, Academicians, and Practitioners around the globe to join our conference and research paper competition in K-Pop country, Korea! Indonesian Student […]
A guide to experience skiing at budget price in Korea
People only living in four season countries have the privilege to experience this exciting sport. If you are living in a tropical country, then you will have to fly all the way […]
[The AsiaN Video for Indonesian] Rencana Transisi Kepresidenan Korea Selatan
Halo, saya Meidyana Rayana. Berikut adalah berita mengenai persiapan masa transisi kepresidenan Korea Selatan. Presiden-terpilih Park Geun-hye secara serius mempertimbangkan pemilihan tokoh politik netral untuk memimpin tim transisinya, menurut […]
[The AsiaN Video for Indonesian] Perdebatan PBB akan Roket Korea Utara Tertunda
Halo, saya Meidyana Rayana. Berikut perkembangan tanggapan Dewan Keamanan PBB pasca peluncuran roket Korea Utara. Dewan Keamanan PBB tidak tampak akan segera memutuskan respon terhadap peluncuran roket Korea Utara pada […]
[The AsiaN Video for Indonesian] 2 Bulan Penting Dalam Transisi Presiden Korea Selatan
Halo, saya Meidyana Rayana. Berikut adalah berita dari dalam negeri Korea Selatan. Dalam politik Amerika, dikatakan bahwa keberhasilan pemerintahan baru sering tergantung pada apa yang dilakukan dalam 100 hari pertama. […]