Deputy IT and Communications Minister of Uzbekistan from South Korea completes his mission

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16809918_410710299271594_2099355677_nIt was something very unusual for Uzbekistan when in 2013 a group of South Korean scholars headed by the consultant on ICT Kim Nam Seok began its activity at the Uzbek State Committee for Communication, Information and Telecommunication Technologies. Unusual was not the fact of attracting foreign specialists but the appointment of Kim Nam Seok as the Deputy Chairman of the State Committee. He obtained this status according to the Uzbek President’s decree, to use Korea’s successful experience, as well as the effective implementation of the “E-government” concept.

In 2015 the Committee was reformed into Ministry for Development of Information Technologies and Communications of the Republic of Uzbekistan and Kim Nam Seok became Deputy of the Minister – ICT Consultant.

In 2016, Kim Nam Seok was awarded the Order “Mekhnat Shuhrati”, by Islam Karimov, first President of Uzbekistan.

According to the press service of the Ministry for Development of Information Technologies and Communications of the Republic of Uzbekistan, a few days ago Kim Nam Seok and Vice-Rector of the Tashkent Information Technology University Lee Chul Soo, both ICT Consultants, have ended their missions in Uzbekistan, as their contracts expire.

The ministry’s executive office organized a farewell meeting on February 17, to mark the occasion.

Kim Nam Seok deeply thanked first President Islam Karimov and the Uzbek government for the opportunity to work in Uzbekistan.

The ministry, in turn, thanked Kim Nam Seok for his great contribution to the development of ICT in general and “E-government” system, particularly in Uzbekistan.

Dilmurod Jumaboyev, General Director of


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