West AsiaSociety

Yemenites Supporting Southern Separatist Movement Wave South Yemen Flags During Rally In Aden

Yemeni supporters of the Southern Separatist Movement hold former South Yemen flags during a rally in Aden, Yemen, Sunday, Jan. 13, 2013. The rally commemorates the anniversary of a civil war that broke out in 1986 in South Yemen with North Yemen. The poster of Ali Salem al-Beidh, former Yemeni Vice President is seen center background.

Yemeni supporters of the Southern Separatist Movement hold former South Yemen flags during a rally in Aden, Yemen, Sunday, Jan. 13, 2013. <AP Photo/Hani Mohammed>

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  1. when u see more than one million poeple on the street asking about return our contry so the soute poeple only 4 million so there r many poeple could not come yesterday like women , kids and old men .. i dont know y all countries dont like help us to return our land …where is the justice ??

  2. The people of the south did not want anything other than restore their home state and identity occupied by the northern occupation backward and obnoxious on the south to the war booty …

  3. On this day there was a tragedy in southern Yemen, but thanks to God and preferred wise and thanks to the people of the south turned into a historic day and festival real per southerners and they called on reconciliation, tolerance and Here we live the feast and joyous South and invite and call on all media world and Arab to cover the festival and marches South in all citiesSouth, especially in Hadramout Almclae in Aden Khormaksar

  4. The Southern Issue:

    Is the issue of four million people living in the area of more than333.000 km 2 in six provinces

    It is an issue of the Independent State Member of the United Nations and Arab League, which gave up its membership in international institutions and the capital, “Aden” and its currency “dinar” to be in union with North Yemen, and establish a fair democratic state that can be a comprehensive Arab Union.

    It is the issue of that State which was subjected to a cruel war in 94 resulted in the transfer ofunity to annexation and causing waste of the Southern citizens’ rights and looting of land and wrongful termination of tens of thousands of civilian and military cadres and its institutions have been vandalized and its identity has been blurred, and it’s wealth plundered.

    It is the issue of the people that poverty was for them the title of the post-disaster, “7 \ 7”, which the Sana’a authority made a Holiday , while the day is a disaster for the South, thecontinuation of accusations of separatism and treason haunted to this day.!

  5. Is a peaceful movement launched South Yemen, or what was formerly known as South Yemen Arab Republic or Democratic Republic. Before uniting the northern and southern halves

    The first Southern movement was launched in 2007where some of the brass held demonstrations demanding their return to their military duties in the army after they were retired by the government of Yemen as a direct punishment because of their participation in the war of secession which President Ali Abdullahrejected the disengagement processrequested by President Ali Salem white former President of South Yemen.

    Since the start of military demonstrations there were many demonstrations in severalsouthern provinces and sporadically and without any regulation or coordination or specificleaders, but was mostly an expression of policy of rejection, exclusion and marginalizationpracticed by the regime and the Yemeni government against the people of the south.

    In the twenty-fourth of March 2007the Southern Movement have been officially launched by the associations of retired military personnel and their demands confined in the settlement of salary and rank, like their colleagues in the Yemeni army and claiming that they are working under the umbrella of a single state and there must be equality between everyone, but what happened was quite the opposite where the Yemeni government insisted on themarginalization of their demands and not pay them, forcing them to go out ondemonstrations demanding to return to the pre-unity and to demand the return of State of the South ..

    When the government chose to ignore some people and ignored their legitimate demandsthey also tried to stop the demonstrations by force and arrested some demonstrators in an attempt to stop the demonstrations by force and ending them, committing a terrible mistakeas pouring fuel on a weak fire which could have easily been put out but instead they increased the suffering of thedemonstrators instead of achieving their demands so their demands rose, instead ofequality in the salary their demands are to split the state and return to the pre-unity which is the total demandthat demonstrators want to achieve now in the south

  6. وعاصمته عدن شكراً لكل من قام بتغطية المهرجان ونرجوا من الصحفين والاعلامين المشاركة في أحداث ثورة الجنوب السلمية التحرريه عاش الجنوب حراً مستقلااً

  7. We thank you for your coverage of the effectiveness of reconciliation and tolerance southern out where the southern millions people. Calls for independence and freedom and the restoration of the southern state … our people in the south live under fire since occupation of the south in 1994 … and we suffer from the media blackout and the frightening silence about our cause South

  8. Southern Movement or peaceful movement south also prefer his supporters call is a peaceful movement popular active in southern Yemen governorates which was composed of the Republic of Yemen DR popular united with the Republic of Lord Yemen in 1990 for the establishment of Republic of Yemen characterize southern movement from the start adopting peaceful action to achieve its goals, making someexperts consider the southern movement first adopted a peaceful struggle in the Arab world

  9. There are people in the globe is called the South the Arab occupied since 1994 in the War of heinous launched by the occupier the right to the sons of the south to impose unity by force and blood on the remains of the sons of the south Arabian drained every Shii rights South, land and wealth, all Shii did not leave the ground or dry, or the sea every Shii Astbhah and the victim of thousands of the martyrs and the injured and prisoners and detainees in the prisons of the occupation, but, God willing, the southerners are determined, God willing it to recover their disengagement with the Yemen Arab Republic and the declaration of southern state with its capital in Aden

  10. To the free media…
    To the expression champions, the supporters of neutrality…
    To the nobles of media…, to those who work for the freedom of speech and the freedom of peoples…
    To every one, his pen’s ink is filled with freedom as his stomach has been filled with the milk of freedom…
    To free people everywhere…
    To the neutrality lovers…
    To those who are the voices of freedom not the echoes of politics and politicians…
    To the free people of the word, not to its slaves…
    All the people of the South, all the forces of the peaceful libertarianism South revolution, and its various currents and masses…
    We invite you in the name of freedom, that you work under its banner, and that we crave for it in our revolution…
    We invite you in the name of humanity , freedom and peace…
    We invite you, in the name of the honor of the profession to which you belong, to be with us in our celebration of the millions of people, in the capital of the occupied South, Aden-Khormakser, on 13 of January 2013.
    The memory of the day of reconciliation, tolerance and South solidarity, within the events of the second liberal and peaceful revolution of the South, in which all the people of the South came out calling for the restitution of the state of the South, the Yemen of the South,and its capital Aden, which had been occupied in the war of 1994 after a bloody injust war carried out by the northern army after the entry of the two parties in an abortive unity experience in 1990…but the system of North has made that union barbaric, brutal and tribal occupation…
    O liberals be with us, history will never have mercy or forgive those who ignore or try to mute peoples’s mouths… because the will of peoples could not be stopped by any thing.

  11. In january 13th 1986 like today we had a civil war between all the southern governors causing a lot of deaths people fought and killed each other not thinking that they are one country people of one land!!! Today and after 28 years finally they all get united in one square forgiving and shaking hands opening a new chapter full of thrust, hope and love ♥ so proud of y’all so proud of my south, proud of my country :))
    Those who didn’t attend you missed it…
    تصالحنا و تسامحنا 🙂 والحمدلله

  12. People of the south loves people north of Aalounam but hate what caused them by Biskutem ruling on tribal Zaidi retarded untapped despot Instead of Aagafo him to end it while finding the opportunity for change Aadmoh to shed his sword over their heads through Hamid and his brothers, Ali Mohsen and his band and hand secretary and his followers to Aalounam but hate their culture North front and Grsuh their minds that the people of the south continued he can humiliate and humiliated and silent and home vid could violated the Aalounam but hate not understanding the people of the South and its simplicity and its ability to coexist with all races and religions and fighting and tolerance his culture they’ve had to accept it as a people south of his privacy in the culture, customs and traditions has vocabulary The advantages and disadvantages just has his identity and has no right to them to try to cover up and give identity to him to Aalounam but hate the mentality that were shot that Evradwha them and tendency racism Zaidi that were shot that govern the south of Aalounam but hate their consciences dormant for truth on accused scholars and some of them are people of the south an infidel and his wives Prostitutes halaal kill him and seize his blood and his Vshluwa Biskutem of gangs and greedy of them rugs on land and plunder of wealth and the infringement on the sanctity of homes and the marginalization and exclusion of cadres was north biggest losers from exclude them and not take advantage of them in the building phase of Yemen did not hate them, but did not like to sober majority Numerical we wanted to build its one with Vqdinma land and wealth Voredua that Agmona and impose backwardness and social Morothm tribal people did not return to the record date for the mutiny on all forms of oppression and tyranny and methods occupation obnoxious not hate them but Akna respond to bad in them and they come out of us words sharply from the intensity of anger on ourselves because we Ankhaddana in the people we thought we were all north and south will see good that we have achieved our dream of loneliness with him .. Did not hate them, but anger from ourselves We فأردنا tolerate and reconcile with Venhrrha and restore an entire generation of the sons of the south southern state and identity that almost lost in Unthinking us as false unity

  13. On this day there was a tragedy in southern Yemen, but thanks to God and preferred wise and thanks to the people of the south turned into a historic day and festival real per southerners and they called on reconciliation, tolerance and Here we live the feast and joyous South and invite and call on all media world and Arab to cover the festival and marches South in all citiesSouth, especially in Hadramout Almclae in Aden Khormaksar.

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