Laos : EU to fund climate change adaptation efforts in Laos

All, Asia, South East Asia

Major News of <Vientiane Times> : EU to fund climate change adaptation efforts in Laos

By Times Reporters (Latest Update July 26, 2012)

The European Union has made 5 million euros available to finance climate change projects initiated by civil society organisations, public sector operators, local authorities and international organisations with expertise in the field.

The funding is being provided through the EU initiated Global Climate Change Alliance Programme (GCCA), launched in 2007 to strengthen national and international dialogue and cooperation on climate change between the European Union (EU) and developing countries most vulnerable to climate change.

The programme aims at supporting work at the policy level with the newly established Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources (MoNRE) and other government agencies, as well as provide concrete support at community level to pilot sustainable and climate resilient land use approaches and adapted farming systems.

Speaking at an information session organised for more than 35 potential applicants in Vientiane, EU Chargé d’Affaires Mr Michel Goffin said “this financial assistance reflects the European Union’s long-lasting commitment and its leading role in fighting climate change through sustainable adaptation, mitigating its effects and enhancing cooperation with all countries in this significant and global challenge.” “Mitigating and adapting to climate change doesn’t know any borders between countries; it is a global public good that we need to address everywhere, also in Laos. And for that, we need the cooperation of every sector, not only government officials, but also civil society organisations, multilateral agencies and local authorities,” he said.

Funding will be made available to worthwhile climate change adaption and mitigation projects proposed in Laos, after they are assessed through a ‘Call for Proposals.’

Under this call for proposals, projects can be in areas related to climate change adaptation; sustainable management of natural resources including forestry; disaster risk reduction, and mainstreaming climate change into poverty reduction strategies.

Laos is becoming increasingly active in the United Nations Framework Convention for Climate Change (UNFCCC) process and will enhance its capacity to mainstream climate change into other policies through its participation in the GCCA programme, Mr Goffin added.

Under this call for proposals, interested and eligible applicants are invited to submit only Concept Notes and then the pre-selected candidates will be invited to submit a full application form for final selection to receive a European Union grant.

The EU is a major donor to Laos, disbursing on average 16 million euros in development assistance each year. However, grant aid provided to Laos by the EU and its member states could top more than 100 million euros per year in total. Existing areas of cooperation between Laos and the EU include education and health, rural development, food security, good governance, trade, UXO clearance and various other efforts.

European assistance aims to help Laos accomplish the millennium development goals (MDGs) in 2015, and graduate from the UN’s list of least developed country status by 2020.

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