Korea aims to breed 100,000 horses by 2022

The Korea Racing Authority (KRA) said Monday that it will breed up to 100,000 horses by 2022 and build more race tracks to make the horse industry a new growth engine.
Under a plan dubbed “KRA’s Vision 2022 for the New Century,’’ the state-run racing organizer added that it would generate over 1.3 trillion won in annual revenue by organizing more meets and nurturing more thoroughbreds, up from the current 850 billion won.
“We will do everything we can to become established as a model public enterprise that contributes more to the local economy. We will promote horse racing and nurture the horse industry,’’ KRA Chairman Chang Tae-pyong said. “We will implement all the measures outlined in the vision.’’
The KRA intends to generate over 30 percent of its earnings from non-racing business ventures. It also plans to set up more tracks to hold more races. Currently, there are just three tracks. One is in Seoul, the second in Busan and the third in Jeju.
“We will build more horse parks where people can enjoy horseback riding and engage in other related activities. We will also breed thoroughbreds and export them to earn hard currency,’’ Chang said. Last year, the KRA exported just four race horses. But by 2022 the ambition is to sell over 400 horses overseas.
By 2015, it will construct a large-scale complex in Hwaseong, Gyeonggi Province, allowing more horses to be bred and making horseback riding more accessible to the public.
Children who like horses and want to ride horses will benefit from the efforts of the KRA as more classes and programs will be included in the curriculum. <The Korea Times/Lee Hyo-sik>