
Seoul prohibits soda drinks in public vending machines

Some of the vending machines in Seoul, in all public places. (wiki)
Some of the vending machines in Seoul, in all public places. (wiki)

The governance of Seoul city decides to prohibit selling soda in vending machines in subway stations and other public places.

The city declared that its plan will take effect starting with from month  as they plan to remove all sugary carbonated soft drinks, saying that such drink cause obesity, diabetes, and Osteoporosis.

The drinks they’re going to remove include cola, carbonated lemon and other soft drinks in addition to power drinks.

Seoul’s government stated that its time to limit selling these sugary drinks on a national scale after it was revealed that it was among the most consumed products by Koreans on a daily basis in 2010 – 2012.

This decision is expected to garner a lot of controversies as public sector managers protest that such decision robs people of their right to choose.

Radwa Ashraf

Egypt, Managing Editor of the AsiaN's Middle East Bureau, Graduate Student of Mass Communication and Journalism at Ahram Canadian University

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