Major news in Kazakhstan on Jun 20: Kazakhstan bank purchased rare The Beatles photo
Top news in <Tengri News> : Kazakhstan bank purchased rare The Beatles photo

Three main differences of the photo from the cover are that the singers are crossing the road in the other way and Paul McCartney has no cigarette in his had and wears sandals. This photograph for many experts serves the main argument refuting conspiration theories of the death of Paul McCartney in a car accident and his replacement by a look-alike.
Bloomsbury representative characterized the auction session as “crazy”. Big interest to the lot is caused by the fact that, despite of 25 prints, they are rarely set for auctions.
The bank is going to place the photograph of the legendary Liverpool 4 for all to see in its Almaty office (13 Republic square). The original will arrive in Almaty in the end of June.
Besides, on the birthday of Sir Paul McCartney, June 18, 2012, Bank RBK exhibited a duplicate of the purchased photo at The Beatles Party in Almaty at the terrace of Kazakhstan hotel in Guns&Roses pub.