COVID-19: a lingering gigantic challenge – Part 2/3: Germany and a glimmer of hope

By Dr. Hassan Humeida
Port of Kiel, Germany: Germany is one of the great world powers that continue to suffer from the coronavirus and its consequences. The rich and powerful country is among the major industrialized countries in the globe, one of the world’s highest-ranked exporter of high quality industrial products. Germany plays the role of the engine of the unity of Europe.
The virus began to spread in Germany shortly before the start of the new year. At that time, the responsible authorities intentionally did not begin to impose a limit on movement and gatherings due to the careful monitoring of the virus. However, it began to impose an end to movement and gatherings, after noticing an increase in the number of people infected with the virus.
Germany imposed strict measures from a distance, and the number of those who could assemble was limited to no more than two visitors from non-household members. Germany then decided to open kindergartens and schools, especially for young children. This is due to their low susceptibility to infection with the virus, while the adult pupils continue to interact as a vector or threatening group.
Another step was the reduction of the number of visitors to the host house, and then the complete closure of open places, offices, markets, educational institutions, etc., while preserving the workflow of offices and institutions that citizens need urgently. Then came the complete lockdown since the beginning of January and until the present date.
In general, the German citizens are very aware of the coronavirus and its impact. This is evidenced by the interaction of the German citizens in their daily life. People have been indoors, following the advices provided by health institutions in the country to reduce or eliminate the impact of the virus. Such attitudes helped a lot in the prevention of its spread.
The positive reaction against the coronavirus is not limited to adult German citizens, but also included children in schools all over the country. Children have demonstrated that they bear great responsibility in following the recommendations to take action against the virus. Children who used to go to school every morning, wear their protective masks throughout the day and until they return home.
All of this indicates the amount of awareness that a person has in Germany, and the sense of total responsibility that a citizen, whether young or old, bears for himself, towards others, and towards his own country. This personal contribution has greatly helped to fight the virus so that it does not spread faster. A decisive limit with an individual and modest effort.
Germany is now taking further steps to decisively end the coronavirus. This is after Germany was a pioneer in the development of the first protective vaccination for the first strain of the virus. Now Germany is following another example, to give the final and fatal blow to the coronavirus. Not only by eliminating one kind, but also by eliminating all known variants.
Germany’s efforts toward the virus have finally paid off. Here is the number of people infected with the virus is declining, and so is the number of deaths among the infected. The thing that calls for hope is adherence to the prevention measures, scientific research methods, and perseverance to defeat the virus and eliminate it completely. A ray of hope, maybe even brighter than ever before.
Germany’s last hedge was to close the border with some countries where new strains are spreading or had problems in their fight against the virus. This included flights from Britain, Portugal, Spain, Brazil, South Africa and some Asian countries. It also reinforced quarantine for incoming travelers. All these measures were taken in order to fight the virus at its roots.