West Asia

Nature Commands



By: Pooneh Nedai
Editor in chief of Shokaran – IRAN

TEHRAN: I wished I could go thoughtlessly to a cafe like those days before these days and I could take a photo from the top of the cup handle and capture the cup shadow on the table, then write a phrase about solitude and the moment.

I wished to go rounding the city without thinking of spiritual spacing and just think about my distance with history and old houses.

We had a volume of assets several weeks ago, Now we understand there were all blessings, but the universe had a lot to tell us.

We did not have time to hear. Nature shut down the noise of the world in this way so the birds came back to wetlands. Dolphins came back to us. The ants could found their way to home. The bees could save the flowers’ nectar in their memory. The sky could breathe again. The earth crushed less.

By command of nature’s government, we were separated from our past and were thrown to the steamed glass era.

I touch the switch and turn on the old lamp in order to read memories in the old note book!

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