Wael Ghonim: I reject constitutional declaration and stand against President Morsi

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Wael Ghonim alter his position on President Morsi because of the dictatorship of the Constitutional Declaration

Egyptian political activist Wael Ghonim wrote a statement to his readers on his personal account (Facebook) explaining the reasons for his stand against the constitutional declaration supplementing issued by President Mohammed Morsi, a few days ago, which made the Egyptian people divided, and called throats drop it in Tahrir Square.

Ghoneim said: “As an Egyptian who witnessed – for decades – the corruption and lack of accountability do not hesitate to say that I stand with sacking the Attorney General, but at the same time against appointing a new Attorney General by head of the executive power, especially since the New Attorney General’s – under the draft constitution – will not be isolated before the expiry of his term or reaching the age of retirement and will continue for a period of four years is the period of the rule of President

Ok if the case is represented in “Abdel Meguid Mahmoud,” why did not the president appoints the Attorney General’s current temporary period until the end of the work the constitution then be selected a new Attorney General’s by the Supreme Judicial Council, a related proposal made by many of the sons of stream independence of the judiciary who are in state institutions today (Advisors: Mahmoud Ahmed Makki and Hossam Ghariani and others)

Is it logical that we have suffered for many years from the politicization of the Attorney General to see a new attorney general comes from abroad via plane by a constitutional declaration during a major political conflict between the government and the opposition to accept a position without the approval or agreement with the Supreme Judicial Council

Then Attorney General enters his office at one o’clock in the morning after the appointment decision to make a speech after taking young crowds cheering for him, a group originally did not know him, but all they knew is that President has appointed him! Equitable to all: Does this bode General Procuratorate neutral and stand at the same distance from all the Egyptian people? ”

Ghoneim added, “immunization against the decisions of the President: because immunization calendar, because the excuse of corruption against certain judges does not mean that it gives the president the same right not to have judicial account. Then how do you want those who oppose this immunization to assume good intentions? Laws and contracts always assume essentially bad intentions and address citizen dispute is not agreement and trust.  

The Holy Quran stated to have a written contract between the contractors to protect people’s rights as there is fear of reaping party over the other?

Otherwise, why essentially we write a constitution for the country and define the powers of the president. Ok trust him and salvation! .. Let me remind President here of his promise that he would not use the legislative authority but minimalist. But when he issued a declaration in which constitutionally he gets himself the authority that were not for anyone before him, and I do not think it will be for anyone after him .. How can this be correct? ”

Wael Ghonim has suffered a lot because of his support for the president, during the latter’s elections, as Morsi was the candidate for the Muslim Brotherhood, Freedom and Justice party, he finds that he was standing with what he saw right, as he stands today.

Ghoneim confirms that vaccination against the Shura Council: it seems articles that have been added recently in the Constituent Assembly (the numerical majority of the Freedom and Justice party and Nour Party (Radical Salafists)) that the powers of the Shura Council (upper house) has doubled, and became his clear legislative role. Despite the change of powers of the members, which requires re-election, there is an article in the transitional provisions that allowed the Shura Council will continue until January 2015! Now you can read fortify the President of the Council of the solution is to continue with the agreement of the members of the Constituent Assembly (or Muslim Brotherhood specifically). The question for the president: Is it possible to elect a small number of Egyptians (five million people) advisory council without real powers.. Then comes now this council to continue new powers? (This letter is addressed to the members of the Constituent Assembly and the President).

Wael Ghoneim said – regarding immunization against the Constituent Assembly – President knows well that he has the right to re-form a constituent as he sees, which was issued in the constitutional declaration that all joy because he cancelled the declaration is constitutional CMOS and that was really unfair. And here we wonder: why the president wants to fortify the Assembly if he already formed a legal problem, and if he could form soon be resolved? .. Then the most important question: President clearly promised to meet with Vermont that he would seek to restore the balance of constituent and today is shielding it without even waiting for an opportunity to restructuring .. Why?

The Constitutional Court had a junta on December 2nd, and would again to cancel the first announcement of the constitutional President, is in fact an argument I do not understand. Constitutional Court has not mainly the powers to comment on the Constitutional Declaration as I understood, I also do not think that the junta (which by the way are quite a few of its members now work in the government of Dr. Morsi as ministers, among them is the current Minister of Defence, General Sisi, who was a member of the junta and head of military intelligence) I do not think they are planning a coup , otherwise by decisions he may isolate them all.

Then finally: If you do not recognize the constitutional declaration by Court I will not recognize the other provisions of December 2nd. Unfortunately this argument that has spread in the media and marketed by many of the supporters of President is not based on the evidence.

Ghoneim got lot of objections and libel, he said in his own page titled “message to some friends whom I respect them and wonder why my position is against the Constitutional Declaration, let me tell you a story:”

I elected President Morsi and I called my parents and my family to elect him. I have no desire to drop him; I do not wish him to fail. I stood two days before the announcement of the results of elections (of Morsi as the President) with others to support and stand up against the intention was a conspiracy to rig the elections and we agreed at the time with him on the seven demands and time a document named Fairmont.

Endured by a lot of messages and mistrust, distortion of the opponents of President did not see anything wrong with the tax because they stand with what I saw it was right.

I also stand in favour of his position to overthrow the constitutional declaration issued by the military council a few days before announcing the country’s president. I wished I still wish Dr. Morsi every success in his term, success in office is a success for all of us. The reason for the change my position, is what I mentioned earlier that this declaration is unconstitutional beyond the idea of “protect the revolution” to the idea of “protecting power”.

Wael said at the end: “Dear friends, I stood either of the 2 stands with what I think is right without a consideration of the satisfaction of the masses, but I stood yesterday “with” President and today I stand “against” the president”.

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