Mongolia boosts drive to attract foreign tourists in 2023

All, Asia, Culture, News, Tourism


WELCOME TO MONGOLIA-EVENT 2023 calendar (Montmasse)

ULAANBAATAR: 2023 will be “The Year to Visit Mongolia” the Government of Mongolia has announced as it established the National Committee on Tourism Development with six sub-working groups.

The sub-working group responsible for developing and announcing the calendar of international events to be organized in Mongolia in 2023 is headed by Minister of Foreign Affairs B. Battsetseg, Minister of Environment and Tourism B. Bat-Erdene, and Minister of Culture Ch. Nomin and consists of the representatives of the government, private sector, tourism, and hospitality industry, Montsame news agency reported.

The draft calendar was discussed at a cabinet meeting and the government issued a resolution, approving the name “WELCOME TO MONGOLIA-EVENT 2023” for the calendar along with 22 measures to be implemented to promote Mongolia abroad, stimulate the activities of the tourism industry, boost the economy and increase investment.

The number of tourists visiting Mongolia has been steadily growing over the last ten years, arriving mainly from China, Russia, South Korea, Japan, USA and Kazakhstan.