South East Asia

Inexorably approaching the retirement milestone


By Nasir Yousoff
Contributor to AsiaN

Kuala Lumpur: After serving this great organisation for some 37 years, 451 months and 13,505 days, the remaining 140 plus days before going into retirement seem so short, so negligible.

Minus some 70 days of accumulated leave that I have to finish before retiring, the effective remaining days are merely another 70 days. Then I will not be frequenting this office anymore.

No more going up and down the lifts to the office. No more ‘hellos’ and ‘hi’ to friends and colleagues young and old. Friends I used to share the same table with enjoying lunch and coffee won’t find me there anymore. Will they recall such times? Will they remember me, the friendly haji with whom they shared laughter, the Akrab guy (the peer counsellor of the Malaysian Civil Service) they used to be frank with?

It’s nice to be remembered. But, it’s not for the asking. It’s very much like respect in the sense that one either deserves it or doesn’t.

But forever glad and thankful I am that God has given me the great chance to serve this organisation, to know the many people here. Gladder that I have done several things which others cannot take away from me or deny the marks that I will soon leave behind.


Beautiful sunset

146 sunshine aglow

Soon I will most miss

The AsiaN Editor

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