Category: West Asia
Azerbaijan: Israel’s Shia and Secular Partner
The Caspian Basin has a great importance to be a home not only offshore hydro-carbon and gas researches but also conflict and proxy-military/diplomacy clashes. Caspian Basin and also Turkestan region, […]
Ibrahim Farghali wins Sawiris Cultural Awards
Egyptian writer Ibrahim Farghali won the Sawiris Cultural Award for best novel in the branch of Established Writers on his latest work “Maabad Anamel Al-Harir” (Temple of Silk Fingertips), published […]
Syria peace talks in Astana : A new period starts
In summer, 2016 Kazakhstan competently mediated in ending political crisis related to Turkey’s downing of Russian warplane. The diplomatic efforts, intuitively made by Astana to reconcile Russia and Turkey, were […]
Hashemi Rafsanjani dies at 82
Iran’s Head of Expediency Council Ayatollah Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani has died of a heart failure. Mohammad Hashemi, younger brother to Hashemi, told reporters that Mr. Hashemi had been in a […]
Does PKK use drug addicts to conduct suicide attacks?
For the illegal Marxist organizations, a suicide attack is a last effort to stand up for themselves. Especially as a result of the successful operations in Eastern and South-eastern Anatolia […]
Trump and Asia
Bernard Rowan – The Korea Times I didn’t think Trump had a chance. His campaign rhetoric didn’t reveal much knowledge of global affairs. Beyond the pedestrian, it showed a demagogue […]
Russia reshapes Mideast
Arthur I. Cyr – The Korea Times Just before Christmas, a summit in Moscow brought together the leaders of Iran, Russia and Turkey. President Vladimir Putin of Russia orchestrated this […]
Images back to 1917 from 2017
Lee Sun-ho / The Korea Times At the dawn of the year 2017 it is intriguing to look back on the last century of human history to see how things […]
“Anti-Americanism is on the rise around the world”
Mr. Ferit TEMUR who is an expert on the post-Soviet region. He is the author of two books: “20. Asrın Casusluk Şebekesi: Cambridge Beşlisi” (Cambridge Five: The Espionage Network of […]
Iran may become regional leader in tourism
Iran may become a leader of the tourism market in the region, head of Euromonitor International Middle East department Nikola Kosutich informed. According to him, Iran may become a leading […]