Tag: Tsunami
[World Report] Scientists: Indo-Autralian plate boundary may be breaking up
Nature Journal on Wednesday (Sept 26) published three papers on scientists finding of hint of new tectonic plate boundary. A pair of earthquake that occurred in the Indian Ocean on […]
Ondekoza Performs in China for Gratitude
A member of “Ondekoza”, a Japanese ensemble which specializes in taiko drumming, performs during a concert in Beijing, capital of China, March 14, 2012. At the invitation of Japan Foundation, […]
Japanese Mark 1st Anniversary of Tsunami
People light candles during a memorial service marking the first anniversary of the March 11, 2011 earthquake and tsunami in Fukushima, Japan, on March 11, 2012. Some 500 residents from […]
1st Anniversary of Tsunami
People mourn in silence at a ceremony commemorating the victims of last year’s massive earthquake at Jochi University, Tokyo, Japan, on March 9, 2012. A total of about 500 residents […]
Japan to develop ‘Tsunami-proof lifeboat’
Local authorities in western Japan will start a new project to develop a lifeboat which is able to float on rising “tsunami” waves as one of the evacuation measures, local […]