Tag: reunification
The relevance of a unified Korean Peninsula for a future world – Part I: Bright perspectives for a unified Korea?
By Dr. Hassan Humeida – Kiel, Germany BERLIN: South Korea, which gained independence on August 15, 1945, is an example of how obstacles can be overcome with accuracy and […]
Weaving peace on the Korean Peninsula – A media perspective
By Eddy Suprapto Contributor to AsiaN JAKARTA: In the last five years, world governance has gone into uncertainty. Starting from the economic trade war between the USA and China to […]
Wind of Change
By Eddy Suprapto Contributor to AsiaN JAKARTA: Today, October 3, 1990 is a historic record for the German people, namely the reunification of Germany or German Reunification. The process of unification […]
Reunification is the human right of every Korean
By Habib Toumi BAHRAIN: Looking at the invitation I received from the German Ambassador to Bahrain Kai Boeckmann to attend on October 3 a virtual celebration of the German Unity […]
Let the Korean nation reunite
By Nasir Aijaz TheAsiaN Representative ISLAMABAD: Today we are discussing the 70th anniversary of the Korean War that divided a nation described by the Great Poet of Bengal Rabindranath Tagore […]
82% South Koreans in favor of reunification
Eight out of 10 South Koreans believe unification with the North is necessary, a survey shows. The National Unification Advisory Council surveyed 1,000 adults last month and 82 percent said […]