Tag: book
[Book Review] President Duterte: How and Why?
Easy answers came fast on the heels of his May 2016 election, most putting him down for a fool or a tool. Two new books take a closer look […]
[Book Review] Charting China’s Contradictions
The vote by the Chinese National People’s Congress in March to abolish presidential term limits marked a dramatic, if unsurprising, step along President Xi Jinping’s path toward centralizing power. As […]
Sonnet Mondal’s ‘Karmic Chanting’ to travel to USA and Europe
With a writer residency scheduled in August 2018 at the Sierra Neveda College, U.S.A., Sonnet Mondal looks forward to promote his book ‘Karmic Chanting’ to be released soon from Copper […]
[Book Review] Questioning the Role of Women in the 19th Century
Pride and Prejudice Jane Austen, Thomas Egerton, 1813 Set in rural England in the early 1800s, Pride and Prejudice is a novel of the Bennett family’s story. The family […]
[Book Rewiev] Charles Bukowski, the Outsider Genius of the American Literature
[Erections, Ejaculations, Exhibitions and General Tales of Ordinary Madness] Charles Bukowski, City Lights Publishers, 1972 Erections, Ejaculations, Exhibitions, and General Tales of Ordinary Madness is a paperback collection of short […]
[Book Review] Two Moons, Two Realities
1Q84, Haruki Murakami, Shinchosa, Japan, 2009 (book 1 & 2), 2010 (book 3) Over 900 pages in length and published in two volumes (the first containing Books 1 and 2, […]
[Book Review] Agatha Christie, the Queen of the Crime
(Murder on the Orient Express, Agatha Christie, Collins Crime Club, 1934) Set in the 1930s, Murder on the Orient Express is a detective novel written by Agatha Christie featuring Belgian […]
Marguerite Duras’ Universe of Love
Title: The Lover Author: Marguerite Duras Publication information: Les Éditions de Minuit, 1984 (first edition) It won the Goncourt Prize in 1984 as the semi-autobiographical novel-turned-movie directed by Jean-Jacques […]
Ximen Nao’s six reincarnations under the Chinese Communist Party
Life and death are wearing me out Mo Yan, Arcade Publishing (Eng. trans.), 2008, In 1948, Ximen Nao, a rich landowner, was executed by the sharecroppers who were […]
Putin: I don’t read books about myself
Russian President Vladimir Putin says he hasn’t read a single book about himself as he already knows everything about himself. On June 7, Putin attended an international media forum in […]