Category: Central Asia
Restart of Uzbek-Kyrgyz relations started on the stage of theatres
Artists of Kyrgyzstan’s Osh state Uzbek-language academic musical drama theater named after Muhammad Bobur staged plays in Andijan, Namangan and Ferghana regions of Uzbekistan. The theater was invited to Uzbekistan […]
Central Asia and Turkey: Playwriting the National Interests
On 17-18 November 2016 Turkish President Recep Erdogan visited Uzbekistan. This visit took place soon after the death of the first President of Uzbekistan, Islam Karimov, on September 2nd, 2016. […]
Toward a new equilibrium in Kyrgyz-Russian relations
“Touring Central Asia…” is what has been named of President Vladimir Putin’s scheduled trip to the capitals of Central Asia. He will visit Tajikistan and Kyrgyzstan and perhaps, Kazakhstan and […]
Success story of a not-cotton-growing Uzbek farmer: 10 millions USD annual export
Implementation gradual reduction of production raw cotton from 3 million 350 thousand tons to 3 million tons in Uzbekistan is freeing up about 170,500 hectares of irrigated land, which is […]
Embracing Cultural Approaches to the Integration of Central Asia
Many things have been said by local and foreign experts about the importance or necessity of integration in Central Asia. One should underline several factors could be used in national […]
Deputy IT and Communications Minister of Uzbekistan from South Korea completes his mission
It was something very unusual for Uzbekistan when in 2013 a group of South Korean scholars headed by the consultant on ICT Kim Nam Seok began its activity at the […]
Georgia strengthens Silk Road economic links
On 16 January 2017 Georgian Economy Minister Giorgi Gakharia signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) on “Strengthening the New Silk Road Initiative” with Zhang Yuzhou, CEO of CEFC China Energy […]
Uzbek president’s visit to Russia scheduled for April
Uzbekistan’s President Shavkat Mirziyoyev will visit Russia in early April, the country’s Deputy Prime Minister Rustam Azimov said at the 18th meeting of the Uzbekistan-Russia intergovernmental commission for economic cooperation. […]
93% of Russians watch television
Absolute majority (93%) of Russians are watching television, 67% of them do it almost every day, Public Opinion Fund’s poll says. 62% believe TV is better than other types of entertainment. Slightly […]
Presidential election kicks off in Turkmenistan
On Feb. 12, polling stations opened at 07:00 (UTC/GMT+5) for voting in the presidential election in Turkmenistan. In total, 2,548 polling stations, including 39 at the Turkmen diplomatic missions in […]