‘Well-being’ as buzzword in Korean marketing
How well do you understand Korean consumers? In the little insight below, I will summarize some points to help stakeholders understand the Korean consumers better. They may be very simple, but are indispensable for your success in the very complex and delicate market situation in Korea. Koreans are found to be more interested in health, […]
The AsiaN witnesses a humanitarian mission in Tunisia
*Editor’s note: This is a story of the humanitarian mission conducted by a local office in the northwest region of Tunisia. The mission was covered by Mr. Khalid Suleiman, Egyptian writer living in Tunisia, and correspondent of the AsiaN, with an icon of the Tunisian media Mrs. Saida Al-Zoghbi, the Asia Journalist Association member. “The load of the group becomes […]
Japan’s history of plundering overseas territory
Joint Project between the Northeast Asian History Foundation and The AsiaN *Editor’s Note: Security in East Asia is swaying in a rough sea. North Korea’s nuclear crisis has been highly elated amid existing territorial disputes and deep-rooted conflicts between nations in the region. South Korea, China and Japan, the countries directly involved, are all looking […]
Deconstructing territorial disputes from outsider’s perspective
* Editor’s note: As the security tension is hightening in East Asia, Korean and international journalists and scholars gathered on Feb. 28 at a seminar hosted by the Asia Journalist Association and discussed the “Asian media’s role for the peaceful resolution of territorial disputes.” Following is the presentation at the seminar by Michael Prieler, Professor in Journalism at Hallym […]
Be wary of the ‘Seikanron’ descendants
Joint Project between the Northeast Asian History Foundation and The AsiaN *Editor’s Note: Security in East Asia is swaying in a rough sea. North Korea’s nuclear crisis has been highly elated amid existing territorial disputes and deep-rooted conflicts between nations in the region. South Korea, China and Japan, the countries directly involved, are all looking […]
The Ottomans Return
“When General Bonaparte arrived in the Middle East in 1798 there were only two independent states in the region: Turkey and Iran, which are now striving to restore their inescapable role as the region’s two superpowers.” (Bernard Lewis) There is a great deal of talk today about the signs of a Turkish cultural invasion of […]
“Arabic Peninsula enters the age of creativity and knowledge”
*Editor’s Note: The 12th ‘Al-Arabi’ Forum hosted by Al-Arabi magazine was held from Mar. 4 to 6 in Kuwait under the general of ‘Peninsula and the Arabic Gulf: Half Century of Cultural Renaissance.’ The forum has been called ‘a hub of Arabic culture,’ which could be a leading line to look into the authentic respects of Arab […]
“Culture means abandoning wars, trying to understand, and having serious dialogues”
*Editor’s Note: The 12th ‘Al-Arabi’ Forum hosted by Al-Arabi magazine was held from Mar. 4 to 6 in Kuwait under the general of ‘Peninsula and the Arabic Gulf: Half Century of Cultural Renaissance.’ The forum has been called ‘a hub of Arabic culture,’ which could be a leading line to look into the authentic respects […]
‘The Wheels of Happiness’ are run by all
Joint Project between the Northeast Asian History Foundation and The AsiaN *Editor’s Note: Security in East Asia is swaying in a rough sea. North Korea’s nuclear crisis has been highly elated amid existing territorial disputes and deep-rooted conflicts between nations in the region. South Korea, China and Japan, the countries directly involved, are all looking […]
The Lessons of Revolutions and the Harvest of Times
In a few days, on the fifth of July, the Algerian people celebrate the fiftieth anniversary of their independence, marking the victory of their revolution against French occupation. A few weeks later, in the same month, falls the sixtieth anniversary of the 23 July Revolution in Egypt. In their time both revolutions were nationalistic and […]