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Kim Jong Un trying to cleanse South Korean TV films

Kim Jong Un trying to cleanse South Korean TV films

It seems that Kim Jong Un is getting serious about ideological threats – at least, this is what a number of reliable and unconnected sources have claimed to be the case in the last few months. Indeed, a significant number of North Korean contacts have complained, that since last year it has become far more […]

Gutenberg’s invention of metal movable type from Korea?

Gutenberg’s invention of metal movable type from Korea?

The Development of a Piece of Faction – <Gutenberg’s Joseon> Park Hyun-chan / Writer, CEO of StoryLogic What incident in the last thousand years impacted humanity the most? It depends, but the U.S. magazine <Life> selected the invention of metal movable type as the most influential incident of the history of civilization. The magazine attributed […]

[AJA Statement] Not Only Words, Actions Are Needed

[AJA Statement] Not Only Words, Actions Are Needed

AJA believes that condemning the Israel’s horrific military assault against humans and humanity in the Palestinian Strip of Gaza is no longer enough. Words will not get back the lives of those killed, currently more than 1375, mostly from civilians, with over 250 Palestinian children, whom many of them were sheltering in schools; including the […]

Women’s access to managerial positions in Morocco

Women’s access to managerial positions in Morocco

Understanding the structural impediments Genuine and steady progress is partially constrained by the persistence of important structural impediments Morocco enjoys currently quite advanced legal framework regarding women rights. Not only the country has ratified the main United Nations conventions related to the protection and the promotion of women rights, but the constitution of 2011 has […]

The Air World War

The Air World War

It has been the toughest week for aviation in 2014, with 3 aircraft crashes. It began with Malaysia Boeing 777-200, that left Amsterdam-Schiphol runway 36C at 1230LT bound for Kuala Lumpur. It reach its planned altitude of 31,000 feet quite rapidly and the crew obtained the authorization to continue to FL330 (33,000 feet) while overflying […]

Korean Central News Agency and ‘Comrade Mr Miller’

Korean Central News Agency and ‘Comrade Mr Miller’

In April 2014, North Korean border guards at Pyongyang international airport were treated to an unusual sight: a 24 year old American named Matthew Todd Miller tore up his North Korean tourist visa and submitted his American passport while requesting an asylum in North Korea. This event was promptly reported by the Korean Central News […]

N. Korean no longer robot

In 1986 or 1987 while reading Nodong sinmun (gosh, I subscribed the paper in those days – it was so cheap for the Soviet citizens!) I came across an article which described a North Korean journalist’s trip to a village somewhere in Africa – perhaps, in Zimbabwe, I do not remember for sure. The intrepid […]

A Holy Mission in the Holy Land

A Holy Mission  in the Holy Land

What does the Holy Land remind readers of? The answer depends on their culture, faith, and current political and social circumstances. Muslims recall that the region’s first sufferings started with the Crusades invading their lands, and Pope Francis’ visit is just a peaceful touch of those long forgotten wars against them. They still celebrate their […]

Disappointment and Fear due to Absence of Adults

Disappointment and Fear due to Absence of Adults

Images from the Sewol Ferry disaster still linger. As of June 15, two months have passed since the disaster occurred. Yet, twelve people are still missing. When will they all come back to their families? Will everyone even come back? It is still distressing to think about these questions. Reflecting on the disaster, we feel […]

New Delhi: Genesis of Tectonic Shift in Politics

New Delhi: Genesis of Tectonic Shift in Politics

The feeble rumblings of an impending fundamental tectonic shift in Indian politics were heard in New Delhi in a series of public meetings. They were addressed by non-political civil society organizations for the past three years. Essentially, the discourse of these public meetings emanated from sheer rampant corruption in public life. This was intrinsically linked […]

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