Libyan Revolution and North Korea
So,Colonel Gaddafi is dead, and the Libyan revolution has succeeded. Its triumph is usually presented in the Western media as another great victory of democracy. It remains to be seen to what extent this optimism is warranted. But there is little doubt that news from Libya has further complicated the North Korean situation – and […]
AJA, Welcomes the Resigning Yemeni President
Asia Journalist Association(AJA) welcomes the resigning Yemeni president Asia Journalist Association (President Ivan Lim) announced a statement to welcome the resignation of the Yemeni President after 33 years in power. The Association said, “We expect the flames of democratization first started in Tunisia and then moved to Egypt, Libya and even Yemen will only grow […]
Impact of Media and Terrorism in Public Life
The importance of information for subjects of policy in the political system means that information is not neutral but a weapon of fighting. Elites use it to protect their authority. The fact that information has been concentrated only in the hands of authority and their relatives, restrains political participation as well. Those controlling the information […]
Nightmare to Erase Another Nightmare
Former Libyan dictator Muammar Gaddafi’s son Saif al-Islam was captured on 19 by rebel forces. Ashraf Dali, editor of Al-Arabi Magazine and Head of AJA (Asia Journalist Association) Middle East Chapter has expressed his opinions about the impact of media on the democratization in the Middle East after the death of Colonel Gaddafi. – What […]
Bangladesh Scenario for Counter Terrorism
Bangladesh denounces terrorism in all its forms and manifestation. Bangladeshi media has already shown its strong commitment against terrorism. Much of it was done through investigative reporting which helped to create awareness among the policymakers and to shape public opinion conducive to the government’s counterterrorism efforts. But, the media itself is not immune from the […]
Religion and Reality
“So give back to Caesar what is Caesar’s, and to God what is God’s”(Matthew 22:21). Some interpret this as Jesus prohibiting political actions of religious people and use it as grounds to assert the separation of religion and politics. However, these words hold God’s strong demand for people to work harder on fulfilling God’s will […]
Dreaming New Possibility of Oriental Agriculture
Asian countries have developed their traditional agriculture in harmony with the environment for the past thousands of years. However, this type of agriculture is facing challenges from the new order of international trade based on mass production-distribution-consumption. Unlike western countries, the oriental agriculture has not been successful in reducing cost by enlarging its farming scale, resulting in […]
The Meaning of Peace in the 21st Century
These days, peace is threatened in many parts of the world. A lot of intellectuals and NGOs are working for peace settlements and their efforts should be applauded. However, we have to fundamentally think about the meaning of peace. In other words, can we define peace just not involving a war? Do we have to […]
Coming Together to Clean up Corruption!
Civil Society Voice from Berlin and Marrakech Injustice, violence, and threat to sustainability: current global crises are closely related with corruption. It is also a serious hindrance to fulfilling the Millennium Development Goals. Last month, two important international conferences were held in this regard. More than 400 people from the Transparency International movement gathered in […]
Better Place with Tranquility and Happiness
The rigours of life levy a huge tax on the emotional state of an adult. The accomplishment of tasks and accumulation of wealth bear such importance that an individual forgets what he/she truly seeks. A child on the other hand, lives in the moment, has no prejudices and does not follow conformity. A child has […]