AJA announces AJA Awards winners
Asia Journalist Association (AJA) President Ivan Lim Sin Chin announces the final winners of AJA award 2016: The president of Indonesia Joko Widodo, Korean filmmaker Lee Joon-ik, Korean-Filipino member of National Assembly Lee Jasmine and Line Co. The ceremony will be held with AJA General Meeting 2016 and the starting ceremony of The AsiaN Global Ombudsman at the National Assembly House (국회의원회관), […]
[AJA Statement] Pakistan Massacre committed by Taliban
No oceans of ink are equal to the blood drops of a human being. But we have to continue writing against the enemies of mankind, the killers of innocence, and the cruel face of terror; named Taliban. The Pakistani Taliban, killed 141 people, including 132 children, in an army run school in Peshawar, a city […]
[AJA Statement] Free killings are against freedom
AJA’s concern is the safety of every and each human life, our aim is to protect those who do their best for lighting the candle of truth in a very deep dark tunnel of sufferings; journalists on the fire lines, who sacrificed their lives for the sake of journalism, truth, and liberty. Recently the world […]
Statement on the 6th anniversary of Russia-Georgia War
In this season of numerous Independence Day anniversaries, Georgia is reminded of the Russia-Georgia August 2008 War, which broke out 6 years ago on August 7. On this day, Russia invaded Georgia with a large-scale military operation and has since been occupying Georgia’s South Ossetia and Abkhazia regions, which makes up 20% of Georgia’s territory. […]
[AJA Statement] Not Only Words, Actions Are Needed
AJA believes that condemning the Israel’s horrific military assault against humans and humanity in the Palestinian Strip of Gaza is no longer enough. Words will not get back the lives of those killed, currently more than 1375, mostly from civilians, with over 250 Palestinian children, whom many of them were sheltering in schools; including the […]
AJA and TEPI Korea to publish ‘Asian Review of Youth’
On May 19th, 2014, former President Sang-Ki Lee of the Asia Journalist Association(AJA), Publisher of Magazine N and President Gang Ryol Lee of TEPI Korea agreed to hold a meeting to discuss the publication of the Asian Review of Youth(AROY) journal. The agreement was signed at the N editorial office located in Jongro-gu, Seoul, South […]
IWMF calls for release of detained Chinese journalist Gao Yu
Concerning the detention of the Chinese woman journalist Gao Yu by the Chinese authorities, the International Women’s Media Foundation (IWMF) issued a statement of criticism. The following is the the full text. The statement stresses freedom of the press. – Editor’s note Washington, DC – The International Women’s Media Foundation (IWMF) is gravely concerned over […]
Samsung chosen as most popular company to work for in Asia
Survey commemorating the launching of ‘Magazine N’ “I want to work at Samsung, and visit Tokyo,” Asian university students say. They have also chosen Xi Jinping as the most influential individual in Asia. The students were asked three questions and Korea, China, and Japan each ranked first in one category. Which Asian companies do many […]
The AsiaN’s Arabic version marks six-month anniversary with success
Six months ago, it was just a dream to start a new version of The AsiaN addressed to readers in more than 20 countries whom their mother tongue is Arabic. Today, with more than 2000 articles submitted, attached by 3000 plus photos uploaded, sent from more than 100 contributors, of Arab and Asian writers, thinkers, […]
Abderrahim El Allam earns fame for winning Manhae Prize
The announcement of Abderrahim El Allam’s being chosen for the Manhae Prize 2013 winner has attracted all the media attention both in his home country Morocco and the whole Arabic region. The news has been covered by major newspapers including Al massae which has the largest circulation in Morocco. Several reports quoted The AsiaN‘s story and photo of March […]