Category: Politics
Kim Jong-nam’s View on North Korea
Remarks by Kim Jong-nam, the eldest son of late North Korean ruler Kim Jong-il, were recently revealed and attracted great attention as he doubted Kim Jong-un’s leadership, disparaged the third-generation […]
<1005th Wednesday> You Owe Us An Apology!
天皇は謝罪せよ!(Dennowa Shajaiseyo) You Owe Us An Apology! AsiaN made a graphic image of ‘ You Owe Us an Apology!’ urging the Japanese government and Emperor to apologise. We will continue the […]
Nepal Former Minister Arrested for Kidnapping
Police in Nepal arrested a Member of Parliament and former Minister for Supplies Shyam Sundar Gupta on suspicion of organising the kidnap of a prominent businessman in December. According to […]
Park Jong-chul “Scent of Jasmine 25 Years ago”
On 14 January 1987, a 22-year-old young man who was taken to the Namyoung Police Department and interrogated died.His name was Park Jong-chul, the third year linguist of Seoul National University. The police […]
Lee Hee-ho and Hyun Jeong-eun to Pave the Way Again
Lee Hee-ho, Chairwoman of the Kim Dae-jung Peace Center and Hyun Jeong-eun, Chairwoman of Hyundai Group travelled to North Korea on 26 and offered condolences over Kim Jong-il’s death in […]
What a Coincidence to Pass Away Together
Kim Il-sung and Moon Ik-hwan died in 1994 Kim Jong-il and Park Yong-gil died in 2011 Kim Il-sung embracing Pastor Moon in 1989 Kim Jong-il and Elder Park photographed in 1995 […]
Bloodshed in Kazakhstan? Shush please
“Silence against the death of 16 people in Kazakhstan” Russian media criticised the Western ones <Source:> “You probably won’t hear many meaningful calls for action from Washington, London […]
Profile of Kim Jong-un
Kim Jong-un is the youngest son of Kim Jong-il and his third wife Ko Young-hee born in 1983(or 1984, sources vary). At first, he was not at the centre of […]
Four Survival Rules for a Young Dictator
So, Marshal Kim Jong Il, the lodestar of the 21st century, is dead, and his impoverished country is going to be run by his son Kim Jong Un, who might […]
South Korea President’s Mourning
Whether to mourn or not the passing of Chairman Kim Jong-il of North Korea is a controversial issue in South Korea but the government seems have a rather flexible approach. […]