Author: Nasir Aijaz
Populism in Pakistan: Myth and Reality
“Populist promises to reverse every tough decision are nothing but empty rhetoric, irresponsible leadership, and bad politics. They are not the solution to Ireland’s problems”, Enda Kenny, an Irish politician, […]
Pakistan’s native languages have Perso-Arabic alphabets
Being a multinational and multi-lingual country, Pakistan could be portrayed as a bouquet of language-flowers, each of its flowers having a unique fragrance and richness of folk and contemporary literature. […]
Desert Women Snap up Dump Truck-Driving Jobs
Breaking the Social Barriers As Sindh province of Pakistan is expeditiously executing an ambitious project of coal mining and establishing a coal-fired power plant in the Thar Desert to resolve […]
Great Indus Civilization
Experts say ‘Moen Jo Daro’ dates back to Bronze Age Preliminary analyses of cores obtained from World Heritage site of great Indus Civilization, known as ‘Moen Jo Daro’ or the […]
Daewoo Making Inroads in Pakistan’s Public Transportation System
Although over two dozen South Korean companies have engaged in different sectors in Pakistan for years, including construction of roads, bridges, tunnels, and power plants, Daewoo is the only corporation […]
All is “Not Well” with Pakistan’s Education Sector
Although the governments, federal as well as provincial, have begun to focus on improving existing educational systems by establishing new higher educational institutions in Pakistan, the situation at the primary […]
Pakistan – Where People Consume Poisonous Water
It was a frosty and misty Sunday morning of December 2017 when I noticed several people of varying ages riding bikes and three-wheeler Chinese rickshaws, locally called “Chingchi”, loaded with […]
Makli – the Necropolis of Invaders, Kings, Queens and Saints
With funding by the Republic of Korea, the United Nations Educational, Scientific & Cultural Organization UNESCO has launched a program in Pakistan to hold training workshops for the officials of […]
NGOs, INGOs facing tough rules and regulations in Pakistan
The local as well as international non-government organizations operating in Pakistan have recently been receiving strange signals from the government. First, the government began scrutinizing NGOs and INGOs working […]
Pakistan condemns nuclear test conducted by North Korea
“Pakistan condemns the reported nuclear test by the DPRK,” read the statement issued by the Foreign Office spokesperson in reaction to North Korea’s announcement that it successfully tested an advanced […]